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"Who Else Wants to Stop Struggling...  
to Be FREE of What Holds You Back...
from Living Your Life with Unlimited Abundance, Happiness, Loving Relationships, Personal Fulfillment, 
Purpose... and Even Peace?"

... Learn How you Can FINALLY Change Your Life...  Not Only That, It CAN Actually Be Quick... Effortless... and Permanent...

From:  Pam Ragland
Re:  Helping you change more effortlessly

Dear friend,

Chances are if you've made your way here, you are looking to change your life somehow.

Have you ever wondered why on Earth you just can't seem to be free of what gets in your way? Why it feels like change is just soooooo hard?

Did you know there is actually a HIDDEN EPIDEMIC that keeps you from being able to really experience LASTING, EFFORTLESS, REAL change?

STOP beating yourself up!!  The reasons it’s so hard for you change have nothing to do with Willpower.  Or desire.  Or even how much pain you’re in.  The truth is, there is something more fundamental at work here… It started very early…

And, it’s NOT YOUR FAULT!!  

..I definitely feel more focused, and freer ...
"Dear Pam, After Thought Shifting™ I definitely feel more focused, and freer to do what I came here to do. Love to you, Jack"

~ Jack Canfield,
Chicken Soup for the Soul series co-author,
and Teacher "The Secret" movie

Do you suffer from any of these common side effects of this hidden epidemic? (More on exactly what this epedemic is in a minute...)     
  • Fear, worry, depression, anger... Painful past trauma or abuse...
  • Feeling lost or unfulfilled? Wondering if you will ever make a difference?  Wondering what your purpose is?
  • Recurrent  back pain...  injuries... negative body image...
  • Money problems... money worries... wondering how to make money... 
  • Addictions or eating disorders (drug addiction, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, workaholic, shopping addiction, food addiction- Anorexia / Bulimia, love addiction, and more...)
  • Stress, ADD, ADHD, procrastination, lack of focus, Bi-Polar, or Autism... 
  • Compulsions (OCD)... or bad habits you just can't seem to shake...
  • Nagging negative thoughts... fear of starting something new... limiting your own potential... the same old undesired results over & over...
  • Relationships gone bad... or non-existent... longing for your "soul mate"... family feuds...

Or maybe you have just a plain old unrealized desire to live your life on purpose, more effortlessly, and with more meaning… To live your life as the true Masterpiece you are meant to be...   

Believe it or not... the underlying issue to all these problems is  the same!   Not only have I learned the secrets to WHY change is so hard...  but more importantly, I've uncovered how to help free you from it... How to REALLY help you change your life!  

If you suffer from any of this or more, you are FINALLY in the right place!!  I can help… Learn  information so profound, discovering it can literally change you life... 

Helping you overcome your challenges has remained in the Dark Ages.  Dinasour era.  It's time to move into the light... evolve... transcend your limitations... grow like you really can...

"Want Proof the Healing & 
Personal Development Industries 
Can Do Better?"

Consider these shocking facts:
  • Nearly two thirds of the people who come to me are on some kind of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication... 
  • Reports of child  and sexual abuse are everywhere.  In fact, it's estimated more than two thirds of all women have been sexually abused... 
  • The "Purpose Driven Life" was one of the biggest selling books of all time... because people feel lost, unfulfilled, without direction .... 
  • Recurrent back pain, neck pain, cancer, and disease is an epidemic...  
  • The current money crisis shows how many people are distressed over money... 
  • Addictions of all kinds, eating disorders, compulsions (OCD), and Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) are at an all time high... 
  • Stress is killing us... and destroying our quality of life...  
  • Autism is now identified in one in every 88 kids...
  • Nagging fears and negative thoughts keep us from living in peace... Negativity is at an all time high -- more than 97.4% of ALL our waking thoughts... 
  • More than two thirds of all marriages now end in Divorce... 
  • For many people, Therapy, Coaching, and Healing has become a project for life...

All this despite a plethora of traditional and alternative healing modalities...

In fact,  one of my clients put it this way after I measured his "negativity" before we worked together (more on that in a minute):

"Pam, if I told you how many decades I spent in personal development programs, and how many thousands of dollars I've spent... I'm SHOCKED my Negativity is STILL 97.8%!!!  THAT is your selling proposition for Quantum Thought Shifting™ right there."    
~ Manny Goldman

Something is WRONG.  It's time for a radical new approach...

"You May Have Already Tried  
All Kinds of Things to Change...

But Did You Know You CAN 
Actually Change FASTER? ...  More EFFORTLESSLY?..." 

Have you tried all kinds of ways to change, with little or no lasting results? Or change that just takes too long?  Feels like a struggle?  Things like:
  • Therapy / Counseling 
  • Coaching / friends 
  • Energy Healing, Intuitives / Mediums, Healing Codes, Theta Healing  
  • NLP, Hypnosis, Clearing techniques 
  • EFT / Tapping, Release Technique, Sedona Method, Emotion Codes 
  • Meditation, self help and personal development programs
  • Or any of the other 400 alternative healing modalities out there...  ??
Then you're FINALLY in the right spot!!   You may be more excited than you have been in a long time, because I've discovered a way to help YOU REALLY CHANGE.  Quickly. Effortlessly. And Permanently.  

Here is the problem with the methods available to help you (up until now):
  • They don't get to the real cause of your challenge (when you get to the real root cause, it's simple... like hitting the bullseye!  The rest is just wasted effort... time... and money... ) 
  • They don't understand how much is actually in your way (I've researched it.  The problem is so huge, it requires a radically different approach!  ) 
  • They don't  get rid of enough "negativity" to make a real dent  (if anything.  When you just chip away at the edges of the target, you spend a lot of effort for very little return...) 
  • Their solutions don't work unless you relive painful memories   (so you avoid help because rehashing them is painful... hard... and as I've learned in my research often impossible... ) 
  • They don't  provide support to help you manage your change  (so you often experience a "healing crisis"... even with small amounts of change.) 
  • They don't  work fast enough to help you truly transform  (so change often seems slow... imperceptable... and worse, your subconscious is so efficient it just attracts back almost everything you "cleared", anyway... ) 
  • They don't have the recipe or ability to "erase it all"  (so just like erasing a virus from your computer, you can start fresh... erase your limitations... align your body, soul, spirit, emotions, and purpose... )    
Up until now, you have probably tried a bunch of stuff that doesn't really get to the root problem... or do it effectively enough... without even realizing it.  After all, that's what has been available.  (Until now...)  It's all you knew.  

Now, you've landed here.  And this is no mistake.  There are no mistakes...  You must be ready to truly transform your life!  Or you wouldn't be here...   You are ready to change--and I can help...

Clinical Depression Gone...

"I struggled off and on with clinical depression for years. As soon as Pam Quantum Thought Shifted™ me in 2006, my depression just vanished.  It has never returned.  As soon as people are "Shifted" they KNOW--this is for real.  Pam really has something here."

~ Marc Phillips
Portland, Oregon

"I've Been Where You Are... 
And I got TIRED of It... 

Stop Beating Yourself Up...  
Because I've Discovered It's Actually NOT Your Fault!"

I KNOW it can sometimes feel like trying to change things...really change... is frustrating... hard... painful... slow...   

Frankly, I got tired of it.  Here is just a PARTIAL LIST of my own struggles:
  • Having and still raising 2 babies all alone because of a deadbeat dad (and really, my own "Caretaking" which attracted him)
  • Learning one of my children is Autistic...  
  • Living my life with ADHD
  • Struggling financially... 
  • Growing up in an abusive home (yes, I was beaten to a pulp by my Mom & Step Dad so I ended up in Foster Homes)...
  • Being surrounded by addicts and alcoholics (my mom, sister, step dad, grandpa...for starters)...
  • Marrying abusive husbands (one almost killed me several times, another stole nearly $100,000 from me)...
  • Having Cancer...
  • Losing many other things in my life...
  • Then losing my Grandma (who was more like a mom) AND my mom--all in a year's time... I was at my breaking point...  

After watching not only me, but many others including my clients, suffer... I had to know "Why on Earth is REAL change so hard?" ...   

    Einstein said it best:  

   "We CANNOT SOLVE our problems
            with the SAME THINKING that created them."


My training comes from world leaders.  After helping organizations and the people in them transform for 15 years, I helped one of the first 10 Master Coaches--Jennifer White--create her renowned "Work Less, Make More" and corporate "Results" coaching programs.  I had the fortune of being mentored by Thomas Leonard, considered the ‘Father of Coaching’ (both of whom have since passed away).  Later, I was trained by Tom Stone in both the Wavemaker™, and as one of the first "Core Dynamics" Teachers.

Yet, all these methods either worked issue by issue (which as you'll soon see, will take so long real change will never happen in your lifetime), or did not even address the REAL root cause issue. 

I had the same experience over and over helping thousands of people change, as a consultant transforming large, Fortune 100 companies...  It felt like "pulling teeth" to help people change issue by issue.  So, I kept looking for a better way to really help my clients transform more quickly & effortlessly... 

I KNEW there had to be a faster way!!!    

An easier way... A less painful way... A more effortless way...


"The Time Has Come  


So I researched... studied... and became an expert on what gets in your way. Keeps you in FEAR...  makes you REACT...  causes the same recurring CHALLENGES... keeps you from the life PURPOSE you deserve... Or keeps you from CREATING / MANIFESTING what you choose...

Then -- I was literally Divinely given the answer: "Change doesn't have to be hard!"   

This same Divine guidance led me to start "measuring" what stops you... Something no one else has done... In fact, I'm the only one in this industry who has actually scientifically quantified what gets in your way, and WHY--then used that to discover how to REALLY help you...   (more on that in a minute... what I found was shocking!)  

The measures led me to uncover the hidden epidemic hampering real, lasting change...  A secret no one else knows about (unless they've learned it from me.) 

And because of my continued research, coupled with Divine inspiration, I've discovered a breakthrough SOLUTION TO HELP YOU CHANGE no one else knows... which I was told to call "Quantum Thought Shifting™".  

Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome gone...
I Finally Feel At Peace...

"Thank you so much for everything. Quantum Thought Shifting™ and the Have Anything™ program is changing my life so fast & furiously, I can't begin to express the real gratitude I feel.

I so appreciated getting more direction on my life purpose, too. Life feels like the pieces of a puzzle clicking into place now. At long last! Oh--and my post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is gone, too! Peace! And everything good to you!"  Kim

~ Kimberly Wickham,
Margareteville, NY, USA

No one else is doing this work... This is the ONLY place you'll be able to experience this new way to help you, that is nothing short of a revolution...   

I've been perfecting my methods, along with raising 2 babies alone (now 9 & 10.)  So, up until now, only a few select people each year have gotten to experience this new, transformational way to help you change quickly... effortlessly... permanently. For some, it has even been their "secret weapon" to become even more successful... (many of them have been reluctant to share their "secret weapon", because it's just so powerful!  In fact, two of my clients have even been on Oprah, after being "Shifted" by me... )  

Since I realized in 2003 I had this powerful healing gift, I've met many  "personal development Gurus".  Healers.  Coaches.  Therapists. Alternative practitioners.  I thought they'd be excited to accelerate their own change, and their client's.  Instead, they haven't wanted this "secret" to get out...   Why? Because, for many, their way of helping people is outdated.  And, they know it.... After all, they make their money by getting you to come back to them over, and over, and over...  

They are used to "change the slow way"... their way... They've decided their way is best, and they've stopped looking for innovative new ways to help you.  Ironically, they've stopped growing.  

You don't have to be at the mercy of these "Gurus" any longer!!  They can't stop your  progress, unless you let them... Keep reading... 

"Hardly Anyone Is Solving
The REAL Problem... 

Is Your Cough A Cold... 
Or Lung Cancer? "

When you go to the doctor with a cough, you might have a cold or you could have lung cancer.  It’s up to your doctor to identify the real cause, so he or she can prescribe the right treatment for you.  If your doctor simply gives you cough medicine, this may work for a simple cold.  But, it clearly will not solve your problem if you have cancer! 

In fact, unless your doctor uncovers the root cause--your cancer will continue to fester, grow, and spread... eventually killing you.  

Unfortunately, this is EXACTLY what is happening today with traditional treatment methods for identifying and eliminating your negative, sabotaging, and often painful thoughts, emotions, and habits or “baggage”--collectively "Negativity". 

Here is the problem with doing things the old way:  

  • There is a widespread lack of understanding about the underlying cause of your "symptoms" (...they aren't armed with my research I'll share soon... they just don't know what they're dealing with... and they can't solve a problem they don't know exists) 
  • Nearly all the methods available today are simply prescribing "cough medicine" for people whose issues are of cancerous proportions  (and you don't even know it.  How could you?  They don't even know... All you know is, change seems to take sooo long...)   .
  • They don't  accurately distinguish a root cause (cancer) from the effect (cough) (this is called the Universal Law of Cause & Effect... it isn't something most people are taught... yet I instinctively "get" this...)   
Is your cough from a Cold or Lung Cancer? 

Imagine a target.  You can either hit the Bulls eye… or you can hit the rings around the outer part of the target all day long. There is plenty of space there...  

And these outer rings are where nearly every practitioner and method on this planet is working today.  (Yes, I know…. This is a bold statement.  But your life is at stake. Do you want me to sugar coat it?) 

We are simply not taught to think this way… to get to the root cause... yet I instinctively do.  And this has contributed to me realizing these incredible discoveries so I can now help you!


  • Because so much of your Negativity comes in so early, even if it wasn't hidden you still don't remember it   (...this leaves traditional systems which rely on you being able  to remember, unable to ever help you get to the root cause.  Either you cant' tell them, or you can't discover it for yourself...) 
  • Even if you could remember, because you don't have full language until after 3, you can't articulate it  (... these are often the "nagging" issues you can't seem to locate... to find the words for.)  
  • They don't  accurately distinguish a root cause (cancer) from the effect (cough) (this is called the Universal Law of Cause & Effect... it isn't something most people are taught... yet I instinctively "get" this...)

To really get to the root cause for many issues simply requires a more intuitive approach, along with an understanding of how you got the issues in the first place.  

New Money...

"I manifested my first windfall of money after just 5 weeks. I hadn't bothered doing my income taxes as I wasn't expecting a large refund. When I finished them (Canadian), I discovered I am getting $1,557 back! So, there is some unexpected money I have already created. Rosemary."

~ Rosemary Henna,
La Salle, Ontario, Canada

In fact, when I identify those early root cause issues for people, often they are suddenly able to put the pieces together. You have the "idea of the thought" stored within you.  Because the energy stored in your body, once you hear the actual words, it suddenly will "click".  It will make sense.  I am helping you make sense of the association already within you.  But, this relies on the fact I not only do I have a special gift for getting to the root cause... but I'm also exceptionally intuitive.    


If You Don't Solve the ROOT CAUSE  

                    You Never Remove The REAL PROBLEM

                          (And, anything you could remove is WAY more effort!)


It is only when you get to the Bullseye you bypass all that space & effort on the rest of the target… and then real change happens! And fast!!

"To Figure Out WHY

Change is so Hard...

I Researched What is Stopping You …
The Root Cause

In a Way NO ONE Else Has Ever Done... "

It all started with this "aha" moment...  

One day, I asked this question, "How do I know how much I am helping my clients?" After all, in coaching (how I got started), there was really no way to quantify how much we were helping.  By then, I had already literally heard my client's parents voices repeating Negativity in their head, and tried desperately to help them be free of it... And, I was already working with that machine to help remove Negativity... 

I "heard" this (which I can only say came to me Divinely) "Measure Negativity".

Negativity… hmm… What was that (at that time I had no clue)?  And how could I measure it?

Those things were both revealed to me… .and I started measuring. This is one of the biggest breakthroughs in helping people with all kinds of afflictions in literally centuries...

Sex Addiction Gone...

"Before Thought Shifting™ I was like a bottomless pit. I could never get enough sex. After Pam "shifted" me, I not only am not controlled by my insatiable sex drive. But, I actually enjoy the sex I have so much more."

~ Name withheld for privacy,
So. California, USA


"I Followed My Divine Guidance
& Started Measuring…

And the Epidemic I Found Is SHOCKING…"  

The truth is, you are not in control of your conscious life hardly at all!!  Barely!!  Less than 4% of the time…  

There is an epidemic of "Negativity" on this planet!!!  

Consider what I found with my unique measures: 

  • The average adult has 97.4% (nearly all) of your thoughts working against you… "negativity"
  • Nearly all these thoughts, 96.4%, are HIDDEN to you in your Subconscious
  • You have on average more than 3.5 MILLION negative thoughts by the time you're 18…
  • You only need 0.6% of all your thoughts in your Subconscious to run your life... to learn all you need to... all the rest is Negativity... useless junk!!!  

            The PROBLEM  

                   Is You Have a TON 

                               of HIDDEN NEGATIVITY

In fact, the negative, limiting, and sabotaging thoughts you notice are the tip of the iceberg of what is really embedded deep within your body and soul...   Just look at what I discovered when I started measuring:  


What does this mean? Basically, by the time you end your 18th year, 97.7% of ALL your thoughts are negative!  "Negativity".  Working against you.  Resistance.  Limiting you and your potential.  Effort.  Struggle.  

Is it any wonder these challenges show up in your life?   

      By the Time You Are FIVE

                      You Have 61% Of Your LIFETIME THOUGHTS 

                              And One Third Are Already NEGATIVE!

The trouble is, so much of what you learn as a young child is negative...limiting...  as the chart below from my unique research shows...  

(C) 2003 - 2012 Pam Ragland / Aiming Higher

It's really pretty simple:  
  • More positive stuff goes in, more positive results come out. 
  • More negative stuff goes in, more negative results come out… 
  • Simply:  The negative stuff is called "Negativity"
  • You have way, way more Negativity than positive stuff... -- 97.4% vs. 2.6%!! 
  • Your Negativity keeps your life full of effort... struggle... automatically...
  • And, because it's in your subconscious, this is all largely hidden to you (but not those around you!)  

"What  On Earth Is
Negativity, Anyway?"

When I tell people about this Negativity issue, some people think if you have Negativity it means you are a drag.  A bummer.   You look at life from the "glass is half empty" side.  Not so at all...

"Negativity" is simply the collection of thoughts/emotions/senses in your head &  body working against you.  The things you have learned... Your thoughts (which are nearly all hidden to you) are creating the results in your life you don't want… automatically.  "Automatic Sabbotage"...

Imagine a battery.  On the "positive" side are all the thoughts that help you effortlessly create your life the way you choose.  

On purpose.  In joy.  With abundance.  At peace.  And, it's all effortless.  THIS is your natural state... you are meant to be a Masterpiece!  

On the "negative" side are all your thoughts, emotions, and their energy that works against your natural state.  Resistance. Think of this as pushing a snowball up's full of effort.  

Another way to think of this is imagine you are a hot air balloon.  All you want is to fly!!  This is your natural state.  You are ever expansive.  But, your Negativity is like an anchor.  Actually, almost 98 anchors at the amount of Negativity most of you have...  

Negativity holds you down.  It keeps you small.  It forces you to react automatically, without even realizing it.  It causes automatic fear.  It attracts practically anything but what you really desire.  It short circuits your entire life!  


Negativity is:        

     "The LIES You Tell Yourself                    
                You DON'T KNOW You Are Telling Yourself                                     And You DON'T EVEN KNOW Are Lies”


To understand Negativity, I'll summarize how you learn everything... positive or negative...    

  • You create based on what you learn and know early on 
  • In education, science, and even medicine we call this "Association" 
  • You learn to automatically identify things so you don't need to re-learn them 
  • The things you learn are stored in "clusters" of thought, emotion, and your other senses... vision, taste, touch, smell, feelings...
  • Once you learn them, they go into your "subconscious" (outside your conscious thought)... you automatically know them, act on them, "react" to them...  "triggers" 
 So, now you know you have a LOT in your way.  And, other methods out there are woefully lacking... 

"But... I Don't Want To Waste Your Time... Or Mine.. 

How Do You Know If You're Even a Candidate
For This Leading Edge Technology?"  

Because, sadly, no matter how much pain you're in, for some of you it's still not enough... 

In fact, according to a recent study, 9 out of 10 people would rather DIE than change!   For most of you, it's  just because you are using old, antiquated methods that are hard, slow, and barely make a dent.   Frustrating.  Really -- why bother spending so much time, effort, and money for so little return?  It gets discouraging.    

My breakthrough healing gift called  Quantum Thought Shifting™ provides you the most effortless opportunity for you to change your life quickly and permanently.   

In fact, my groundbreaking system for helping you change has been called: 

  • "The first real massive breakthrough to help people in centuries"…
  • A “Revolution in personal development”…
  • And even “extreme healing”…  (Yup, that's right... even though I have a system, technically what I do works so dramatically because I have a really powerful healing gift...)
Past Rape Trauma Gone...

"I have done "extreme" work around the boy who date raped me the summer after high school... traditional Therapy, Hypnosis, many other things... Still, after 30 years, the trauma remained.

Then I was "Quantum Thought Shifted™".  Suddenly I felt peace & compassion for him, & complete forgiveness.  I had a smile on my face and haven't felt so good or free.  I hoped, but didn't imagine, I would ever be completely free from it.  

Thank you so much!  This is a gift I never expected from taking this program, & I can't tell you how wonderful it is! With love & gratefulness for you."

~ Name withheld for privacy,
So. California, USA

Are you part of the 10% who are determined to change?  If so, I'd love to help you! 

But, some of you just aren't ready
.  Your pain isn't yet great enough.  You get something out of being in pain.  A victim.  And, if you do, I'll be honest... it's time  to close this page now.  You just aren't ready.  (But Bookmark it...   Although how I deliver the program will likely change by then, I'll still be "Shifting" people when you're ready!)

In fact, you must apply to enter my Quantum Thought Shifting (Level 4) program... and not everyone is accepted.  (You may enter at Level 1 without applying, because the change is less drastic...   I'll explain the Levels soon... )  

Ask yourself these questions --    
  • Are you DETERMINED to change your life?   
  • Are you battling with something in your way? 
  • Are you tired of trying to figure out what on earth is really holding you back?  
  • Have you ever wondered where your limitations come from?  
  • Have you tried other methods to change… with limited success? 
  • Are you tired of changing the slow way?  
  • Have you ever been frustrated because you just didn't feel like you were getting to the real issue?

…or only to discover you still continue to battle your self-sabotage…
…or these methods feel painfully slow? 

And, are you willing to take responsibility for learning a new way?  

Then GREAT!!!   Because You're FINALLY in the right spot!!  My powerful new Quantum Thought Shifting™ technology is a revolutionary new way to help you...  

If you're not content to stagnate, struggle, and suffer... then read this page carefully, this opportunity could literally CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Bulimia Gone...

"I am a highly respected professional who had a dark secret... Bulimia. Since Quantum Thought Shifting™ I finally have control over my Bulimia for the first time in my life.  After adding nutrition changes, the effect is even more powerful.  I am FINALLY FREE."

~ Name withheld for privacy,

"It All Started Because I Simply Saw 

The Possibility Others Didn't..."  

I remember telling one of my spiritual mentors my vision for erasing all your Negativity in one fell swoop.  I thought he'd be so excited at the possibility!! 

Instead, he tried to squash my dreams. Squelch the possibility.  One time in particular is still vivid in my mind.  He said, "Pam, if you think you're going to erase all of someone's Negativity, well you won't."   Then he proceeded to tell me something about where we are as a planet... something about the history of India.... blah, blah...

I went home that night and felt like my purpose had been pulled out from under me.  I didn't even know erasing your Negativity quickly, effortlessly, & permanently was my purpose, back then... 

Caretaking/Co-Dependency/Energy Drains...

"Almost immediately after my Thought ShiftTM I had a huge Caretaking ah-hah moment. Several actually. I am noticing those people I am Caretaking and who are taking my energy as soon as I talk to them. I am just aware of it now. Which is excellent, because I can start to deal with those situations where my energy is being drained immediately."

~ Z. Anthony Ostroman,
Kelowna, BC, Canada

Most progress is squashed simply by not even considering the possibility.   Roger Bannister became the first person to run a sub 4 minute mile, in 1954.  No one had seriously tried it before, because many people thought if you did it, your heart would explode.  

Once he did it, 17 more people did it in the next year... In fact after years of struggle, his record was broken in just 46 days!!

"The claim that a 4-minute mile was once thought to be impossible by informed observers, was and is a widely propagated myth created by sportswriters..."

~ Roger Bannister  

So what did Roger Bannister do differently?  He didn't get stuck in the status quo.  Instead, he was simply OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY.  

After I was told it's "impossible" to effortlessly erase all your limitations, I thought about it all night.  Meditated.  And, when I woke up the next morning, I got it.  "Oh, he just doesn't see the possibility, and I do.  No biggie."

But, the thing is, the entire Counseling, Therapy, Psychology, Coaching, Personal Development, Personal Growth, Self Help, and even Energy Healing industries have been built on one premise...

You must work hard at removing your obstacles one  by need to do a lot of "sessions" or "programs"...  Change is slow...  Hard...  Takes time... 

And you'll need to relive stuff that's painful to see progress "No pain no gain"... 

But, as I'll show you from my research--working this way will basically take more than the rest of your life...  be cumbersome... painful... and you STILL won't do it!!  

Weight lost... Making Tons of Money... Never Felt Better...

"Pam, I still can't believe it. Since I worked with you just 4 years ago I have lost 35 pounds. I have learned how to keep my energy & stop Caretaking others. And, while everyone around me is struggling financially I am still busy and financially blessed. I am truly grateful I met you and was Quantum Thought Shifted™!! I can't wait to work with you again... "

~ Shelle Sandberg,
Orange County, California


So, once I saw the possibility of erasing all your past struggles in one fell swoop... Then I asked, "What is next?  What happens if you effortlessly erase your obstacles?" And, I got it -- then you get to move forward!   Create  the life of your dreams.  Shed centuries of old energy, of old habits... burdens...  Then--you get to live your life the way you are meant to!!!!  
All good...  So, why is the industry resisting? ... 


"It Was Right Then I Realized...  

Nearly Our Entire Industry Has It WRONG!"  

Once I realized I was seeing a new possibility, I got EXCITED for what that means to you!!  Your family!!  Your friends and other loved ones!!  The planet!!  

Change the old way is just too slow...  It takes too long...   It is all based around effort...  Around the gurus selling you lots of the same stuff... over, and over, and over... Being dependent on them (the opposite of being empowered--which is the goal.)  They are keeping you stuck for years.  Decades.  Your entire life!!!  

But, because I KNOW our life is meant to be effortless, and we are meant to be totally powerful,  I KNOW this is all just B.S.  It's not necessary.  And, it's wrong.  It's keeping you from real change... stuck...  spending your resources for very little, if any, return.  


  • Many of the Gurus love having customers for life...  this "old model" has been working for decades... 
  • Many  of them have stopped growing themselves, because as they've gotten popular their ego has exploded--so they just can't introduce you to new, innovative solutions... 
  • And, because they don't know what I've learned with my research.  They just don't know any better...  (and frankly, most of them don't want to hear it...)  

It's time for a change... A whole new way of doing things...

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over... and expecting a different result."
~ Einstein

It's probably no surprise that the very mentor who told me "Pam that can't  be done" has excommunicated me.  Refused to talk to me.  Told other people "I don't know why Pam would want to process all that Negativity for people."  That's just because he's stuck in old thinking.  

I don't "process"... I facilitate a very, very powerful healing for you... I'm like a neutral catalyst... (back to my days of being a neutral facilitator in companies!!) ... And just like any good neutral facilitator or catalyst, my presence in the equation simply helps focus healing energy on you, and facilitates a HUGE Shift... without me needing to get in the middle of the process.  

This kind of facilitation based healing is what is needed... and it's allows me to help more people, because helping you is not sucking the life out of me, as happens with many healing practitioners--traditional or alternative...  

I've learned a better, more effortless, more effective way.  And, it's OK if he hasn't caught up... Because the only way real change happens is through brave people who are willing to lead the way.  

One thing people know about me is, I am brave.  Courageous.  All those horrible things I've experienced in my life aren't for no reason.  They have made me resilient.  

And, you get to benefit... Because I haven't given up!  The gurus have tried to squash me and my message.  But, I've had this business since 2000.  I discovered Quantum Thought Shifting™ in 2003.  I've proven it works.  I've helped the people my systems could support...  I've improved them to help more people...

Making Four Times as Much...

"Before Quantum Thought Shifting™ I was struggling financially. Now, I have made more money in the past four months than I did in the prior four years combined. I highly recommend working with Pam. Her work will change your life."

~ Manny Goldman,
New York, NY USA

And, now, I am here to help you in a big way....

Helping you change should be about  YOU--not people who want you to be dependent on them... suffer... or to just make a buck...

In fact, you can even help beat them at their own game.  You can spread the word by telling your friends now...

Tell your friends here!! (opens in a new email window--this page will remain open!)


The  truth is, all new discoveries were first looked at as radical... until they became fact... Quantum Thought Shifting™ is no different...


"So Pam, What is This Big Secret...
The Gurus Don't Want Out? ...

The 7 Secrets to Why Change is
So HARD... "  

Here is what you MUST know about why you struggle to change your life:

  • Secret #1:  You have hidden "stuff" you're constantly exposed to "Negativity", which limits your potential...  
  • Secret #2:  That stuff "sticks" with you  -- this is why we call it being stuck!  
  • Secret #3:  The sticking causes an automatic remembrance... a reaction... a repeat...  over, and over, and over...  
  • Secret #4:  You need to "clear" (erase) ALL this stuff to be free of it... 
  • Secret #5:  There is too much to clear with any other method out there today... 
  • Secret #6:  I've discovered a way (Quantum Thought Shifting™) for you to be free that erases more, is more effective, and it's cheaper!  So it actually works...  
  • Secret #7:  Stop trying to change--instead SHIFT!  Quantum Thought Shifting™ is faster... does more... and it's cheaper as a result!! 
  • Who wouldn't want that?   
Simply, that's it. You'll soon see how incredibly simple it really is... Once you know what is actually holding you back... What you really need to do... And how the amazingly simple Quantum Thought Shifting™ recipe I've discovered can help you finally transform your life... quickly, effortlessly, and permanently...   Once and for all...

Now you can benefit immediately from what NO ONE else in the world knows, and took me 7 years and nearly a million dollars to discover!

    New Sales... And Money! 

    "My sales are taking off after just 3 months from my  Quantum Thought Shifting™!  Life is good!" (This client was making $30K - $50K per month,  by 2 years after Quantum Thought Shifting...)

    ~ Cindy Logan
    Trabuco Canyon, CA

The next few sections "Secrets" explain what you need to know about what gets in your way, and how Thought Shifting(TM) is so dramatically different to help you be free.  First, you may want to watch the video below where I explain some of this... and some other things I haven't included in this page!!


"Secret #1:  You Have Hidden Stuff 
You're Constantly Exposed To...  

Your Challenges... Your Reactions... 
Your Bad Habits..."  

To really understand why change is so hard, you need to know how you learn... because only then can you begin to understand WHY you do what you do.    It's really pretty amazingly basic.  

First, as a baby, you're exposed to something... for example, a door.  You learn it's doorcalled a "door".  Then a "wooden door"... Or a "glass door". You "store" this information in your brain.  In your subconscious.... which just means "beyond your conscious thought".  Or, simply, that you don't need to think about it.  It's automatic.  

So, the next time you see a door... you automatically know it's a door.... it's a NEW HABIT... 

This habit is STORED IN YOUR BRAIN... in your SUBCONSCIOUS... it's all stored--what you see, hear, taste, touch, feel.... 

And, the next time you encounter a door, ALL that information comes up... automatically... just like starting up a computer.  In fact, computers are modeled after your amazing brain.  (In your brain your Subconscious information is called a "neural pathway".)  

So, if you smashed your finger in a door, or have an otherwise negative experience, this is also stored together with the idea of a "door".  This limitation is called "Negativity".  



      You LEARN  

                                  ALL Your LIMITATIONS

You learn "Negativity" as a child in 3 main ways: 

  • You are exposed to it & have a personal experience 
  • You see someone else do it "modeling" 
  • Someone else tells you about it -- directly or indirectly 

I Created An Incredible Gift for Myself...

"I am soo excited. Before working with Pam, I was struggling financially. Now, I have created an incredible goal for myself--I was able to pay almost $6,000 dollars at once! The fact I created this with what I learned from Pam made me cry. Her work has changed my life!"

~ Michele Stevenson,
Northern CA, USA

Secret #1 is:  You have hidden Negativity, you're constantly re-running and exposed to, which limits your potential...   Quantum Thought Shifting™ works for you, to effortlessly erase your Negativity...

"Secret #2:  Your Life is Meant to be

But, This Hidden Epidemic 
Stops It... " 

Really, your subconscious automatic learning is an amazing thing, meant to make your life effortless.  After all, who wants to keep relearning what a "door" is?  To keep from having to relearn, you need to somehow file or "store" this information in your brain.  You need some way to not have to relearn things over and over...

Now, in the case of a door, this information may be pretty neutral.  But, if the first time you encountered a door it fell on you, then instead of a neutral emotion PAIN is stored... and when you see (or feel, touch, smell, or hear) a door again, this TRIGGERS that painful emotion...   This is called a "trigger"...  

Or, put another way, when something reminds you of the knowledge you have "stored", which you access just to automatically identify the door--this "triggers" how you felt AT THE TIME the information was stored... what you saw... smelled... heard...  Even if you were 2, and now you're 50... 


You FEEL those OLD emotions... You ACT "childish"...  you REACT (which means to relive it)... 

Because, simply, your 2 year old feelings are coming up!

Most systems, if they are doing any Negativity "clearing", are just working on ONE section of this chain... that leaves Negativity stranded.  Quantum Thought Shifting removes it ALL.  


                                  Is Your Clue to HIDDEN NEGATIVITY

Really, you can't help it.  It is the information you stored.  Your brain is bringing up that old information, so you don't have to relearn it.  It is the knowledge you have about that thing, person, situation, environment, etc... It's what you "know".  That's all.   Here is how this information you learn gets stored in your body:  

  • Your thought is stored in your brain... 
  • Your "neural pathway" that makes it automatic is stored in your brain (your Subconscious) ... 
  • Your emotion is stored in your body... shoulders, neck, back, stomach, heart... anywhere you feel emotions... or pain... or disease...

There is a lot more to this story... why your emotions don't catch up to your age... where this all comes from... why you don't filter the negative stuff out... too much to include here.  

But, this is the main thing you need to know for now:  

  • You learned many things, nearly all as a very young child... 
  • Once you learn something, it becomes an automatic habit...  your "subconscious"... it STICKS... 
  • If it doesn't help you effortlessly live a life of joy, purpose, & peace that thing you learned is called "Negativity"... 
  • When you encounter other information from that same time, it "triggers" your thoughts, feelings, and other senses from that same age... 
  • Then, you automatically do, say, and react in ways you don't even realize... it's all hidden to you (but just ask your loved ones--they'll tell you!) ... 
  • This happens because the negative thoughts/ emotions / other senses were learned, and are "stored" together in your brain... 
  • So, you automatically "react", have fear, or repeat the same challenges and limiting habits & thoughts over & over... it is "Negativity" on autopilot!!
And, the more often you repeat this cycle--the more you are "triggered"--the "deeper" the groove in your brain... the bigger the reaction... and the harder it is to get rid of it (that is, until now...)  


                                             Are Stuck in Your BODY

Basically, this is it.  This is how you get ALL your limitations.
 Nagging negative, recurring thoughts. Fears.  Obsessions (OCD).  Addictions.  Depression.  Lack of money. Struggle. Disease.  Anger.  Pain.  On... and on... and on....  Things that prevent you from living the incredible life you're meant to have.  One of joy.  Unlimited potential.  Power. Abundance. Happiness.  The life you DESERVE to live.

Secret #2 is:  Negativity "sticks" with you.  It's in your body.  This is why we call it being stuck!

Now, the story gets trickier... 

"Secret  #3:  Your Current Reality... 
Your Experience...  

on Your Past..."  

Now, here is the deal... And a lot of people are finally starting to talk about this... 

There is a principle in Physics called "Like attracts Like".   Some people, like in the movie "The Secret", or Abraham-Hicks, call this the "Law of Attraction".  But, the truth is, this isn't some "New Age" idea.  In fact, it's a proven scientific principle.  

Simply... you get a match to whatever "energy" you are putting out...   

Einstein Einstein proved all matter... including you... is made up of energy... E=MC(2) 

Your THOUGHTS are simply energy...

Again, this isn't some "New Age" idea.  It has, very simply, been proven with science over and over.  In fact, an entire new scientific discipline has cropped up in recent years which understands this more fully called "Quantum Physics"... It expands the old limitations of Physics, and has made a ton of new discoveries as a result... 

Further, science has proven the existence of what is called the "Reticular Activating System". it's like a personal shopper for your brain!   Based on what is already in your Subconscious, it looks for a match to help "create" your life for you...

Remember... when you learn, your thoughts are stored in your Subconscious. This means their ENERGY  is stored in your Subconscious.  Good or bad... 

So, if what is in your Subconscious is Negativity, then more... and more... and more Negativity gets attracted into your life... This is HOW the same old patterns get created over... and over... and over... reinforced... 

The ONLY WAY to change this, is to REMOVE that Negativity from your Subconscious... 

You MUST purge it from your brain... and your body... then you must "relearn" the way you want to create it... 

My Quantum Thought Shifting™ process erases your Negativity -- so you have the capacity for REAL CHANGE... 

And, my support programs help you harness and capitalize on your newfound power, and learn how to create your life the way you really, truly desire... long for... dream of... 


You Must REMOVE  

                                  What is Stuck to Get UNSTUCK

Otherwise, what happens is, it's like trying to push a snowball up hill.  You end up attracting the same old circumstances... reactions... fears... negative habits... over, and over, and over...

Yet, most systems trying to help you are not capable of actually purging all that Negativity... so they can never really help you...  and the fact they can't is one of the best kept secrets in the entire personal growth, personal development, coaching, therapy, and energy healing industries...  

Quantum Thought Shifting™ actually ERASES this stuck Negativity from your body... like nothing else!  

Secret #3:  Negativity sticking causes an automatic remembrance... a reaction... a repeat...  So you have the same patterns over, and over, and over...  

Read on to learn why... 

"Secret #4:  Because Your Negativity is
Literally Stored in Your Brain...
And in Your Body "Disease"... 

The Only Way to Be Truly FREE is to "Purge"
Negativity Completely From Your Body…"

Your root cause issues, which sabotage you and keep you from feeling free, in control of your life, at peace, & being fulfilled are physically stored within you... 


  • They are in your brain....  
  • They are in your body in the form of negative or reactive emotions...   
  • This results in disease, injuries, that knot in your stomach, the knot in your shoulders, headaches, instinctive reactions, and so much more…

And, for you to be free of them you must not only understand the nature of Negativity so you can really get to the root cause... then identify them...  but they MUST BE PURGED from your physical body... or you will never, ever be free... 

I've learned from my measures (I've done thousands since 2003... ) the extent of these issues--and because of that, freeing Negativity from your body requires a radically different solution than what we're used to...  

It is not good enough to simply identify the surface issue… to work around the rings of the target one by one... 

And it’s not even good enough to JUST identify the real root cause, if the negativity is still in your physical body… That's like saying "Yes, you have Cancer" and doing nothing to treat it.  It's not good enough to just know it... you have to remove it to be free.  

Secret #4 is:  You need to "clear" (erase) ALL your Negativity to be free of it... 

BOTH identifying and purging your root cause Negativity are essential to help you actually be FREE... (this is why I finally realized technically Quantum Thought Shifting™ IS healing... I'm not touching you, but Negativity is being removed from your body...  Yet, it's not like any healing method you've ever encountered... )

OK so this makes sense.  But, then I wondered "Why is clearing this so hard?".  The truth is, it's painful...  Remember, I have measured people who have had "clearing" work for 30 years... yet still have only been able to be free of less than .05% of their Negativity in all that time.  Many people do Therapy, Coaching, Hypnosis, NLP, and many other other traditional and alternative treatments for decades.  WHY?  .... 


"Secret #5:  There is Just TOO MUCH Negativity...   

To Even Try to Get Rid of 
With Any Other Method Out There Today..."   

... To really notice a difference...  a true shift... you must remove so much Negativity at once that your Subconscious can't just automatically, (quickly and quite efficiently) attract it back...

Remember... your Subconscious is using your Reticular Activating System (personal "shopper") to create your life for you.  Have the idea "I don't deserve to be happy?"  Well, your Subconscious will keep looking for circumstances to prove that to you!  

It attracts.  In this example, over and over, you'll attract circumstances to prove to you that you don't deserve to be happy...                             

"You say 'The reason I believe this, is because it's true.' And we say, the reason you believe it, is because you've practiced the thought. All a belief is, is a thought you keep practicing."

~ Abraham/ Hicks

Because your Subconscious is really efficient... it is helping you effortlessly create... It's always "shopping" for new matches to existing Negativity (or positivity... but that amount is so pitifully small...)   When the wrong belief is in there, it's continually helping you effortlessly create the WRONG THING.  

As soon as you may get rid of one negative thought
(if you cleared any, which doesn't happen with most systems), your Subconscious hurries up to fill the hole & "shop for" (attract) more!


                      To Get Ahead of How Fast & EFFORTLESSLY  

                                               Your SUBCONSCIOUS WORKS

The  trouble is, other systems are not removing enough Negativity for you to get ahead... and they don't even realize it!!   Working issue by issue is just not good enough...

Hopefully now you understand you're actually creating your life with your thoughts... which are stored within you... are causing your struggles and limitations... and it's all automatic.  

Secret #5: There is too much Negativity to clear with any other method out there  today, besides Quantum Thought Shifting™... or Thought Shifting™...

"It Just Makes Sense:  
If You Can't Get To What's In Your Way...   
And You Can't  "Clear" Enough to Make A Dent... 

You Can't Be FREE of It...

Is That Fair to YOU?"

No, it's not!!   So now you know the first 5 secrets:  
  • Secret #1 is:  You have hidden Negativity, you're constantly re-running and exposed to, which limits your potential...   Quantum Thought Shifting™ works for you, to effortlessly erase your Negativity...
  • Secret #2 is:  Negativity "sticks" with you.  It's in your body.  This is why we call it being stuck!
  • Secret #3:  Negativity sticking causes an automatic remembrance... a reaction... a repeat...  So you have the same patterns over, and over, and over...
  • Secret #4 is:  You need to "clear" (erase) ALL your Negativity to be free of it...
  • Secret #5: There is too much Negativity to clear with any other method out there  today, besides Quantum Thought Shifting™...
Simply, this is what keeps you locked in to decades of therapy, counseling, coaching, many healing modalities, & more... Things that don't make a real, immediate, lasting difference.

To create a real, noticeable shift, you must: 

  • Erase the right Negativity (root cause) ...
  • Erase enough Negativity at once... 
  • Erase enough Negativity from your Subconscious at once... 

Your Subconscious tries to effortlessly create your life for you.   It's efficient.  Let’s say you manage to “clear” some Negativity with one of the few alternative healing modalities that actually does "clearing".  In no time, because there is still Negativity left in your Subconscious, and so little has been cleared, your subconscious has already attracted that amount  back.     

Your Subconscious' job is to look for a match to the ideas you have stored there—whether or not they serve you.  Since it's mostly Negativity, most of it doesn't serve you...  

It's like you take 2 steps forward, and almost 2 steps back.  Your progress is almost imperceptible.

You HAVE to clear a HUGE CHUNK to get ahead of this process.  If you don't remove a LOT of Negativity, your Subconscious will actually attract almost everything back.  (One reason Thought Shiftingexcels…) 

Imagine you have a virus on your computer.  Let's say you have 100 folders on your computer, and you remove the virus from one of them.  That virus still exists in the other 99!  With an average of 3.5 Million Negative thoughts... getting rid of one (or even hundreds) at a time means the actual amount of your Negativity left is still HUGE!   

Heroin Addiction Gone at First Shift!

(Nearly 10 mos. later after 5 years of multiple addictions) "I probably would have died if Pam had not helped me. I was homeless, jobless, went with any man, and had multiple drugs and addictions. Pam effortless erased the source of ALL my addictions! And, in just 2 hours all my Heroin withdrawls were gone. Today, I have a home, job, and I even recently wrote a story for a Chicken Soup book! I am truly living the life of my dreams."

~ Name withheld for privacy,
So. California, USA

This is why, when people have been using "clearing" methods for over 30 years, they have only been able to clear out less than half percent (0.05%) of all their Negativity.

They  have barely made a dent!!   

Again I know this, because I've measured it.  

This pervasive problem on our planet is a combination of:  
  • Trying to remove Negativity one-by-one (an impossible task with 3.5 million...)
  • Not getting to the real root cause (working around the edges of the target, instead of going straight to the bullseye...) 
  • Not removing enough Negativity at once (if it's not enough, you take 2 steps forward & almost 2 steps back again...) 

You must GET RID OF THE NEGATIVITY--and ENOUGH of it.  This is where other systems to help you are woefully lacking. They simply cannot do the job.  They either attempt to remove it one by one (we'll do the math on that below… won’t happen in your lifetime), or they can’t remove it at all like I can..  Neither gets you where you need to be. 

Remember…  Most systems aren’t even identifying the root cause, let alone “clearing” it out...

Just look at how long it normally takes to be free with the most common healing modalities out there
, compared to Quantum Thought Shifting™:

"Here Is The Truth...

It's Just A Numbers Game..."  

The problem with getting rid of all these hidden negative thoughts "Negativity" is, it's just a numbers game.

Here is how most systems & healing modalities work (see if this looks familiar):

  • You are required, in one way or another, to identify the negative thought (affirmations, visualizations, EFT, Tapping, Release Technique, NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Therapy, CBT, etc... there are now more than 400 healing modalities) 
  • You do this mainly via talking to someone else, or by yourself... 
  • In some cases, someone helps you identify the "offending thought"...
  • Once you identify the "offending thought" or emotion, you either suddenly "realize" you have this issue (VERY VERY SLOW METHOD...because your body still knows it...) 
  • Or in the more advanced methods you try some kind of "clearing" technique.... 
Then, depending on the system, therapy, or healing modality you are using, you may or may not even get rid of ONE limiting belief.  (Out of 3.5 Million!!)

In fact, consider this…

  • Your 97.4% Negativity (your thoughts working against you) is an average of 3.5 MILLION thoughts
  • According to NASA research, it takes on average 26 days to purge (erase or replace) each ONE of these thoughts... 
  • At this pace, if you work on 100 issues a DAY … (who does that?)
  • It will still take you more than 2,136 years!! 

It’s like you are a hot air balloon with 100 anchors.  If you cut just ONE anchor off your "Hot Air Balloon", you still have 97 left...  It really makes no noticeable difference.

It barely makes a dent.  Your Hot Air Balloon still cannot fly... You
are still held down.Trapped.  Keptsmall...

The truth is, with all this Negativity on the planet, which has been growing exponentially over the past 2,000 or more years... it is like pushing a snow ball uphill.  You will never, ever be FREE... 

That is, unless you do something different!

Hidden thoughts are literally running your life--your conscious mind is simply not in charge...


"Secret #6:  To Really Be Free Requires A 
Revolutionary New Approach...  

Otherwise No Matter How Hard You Work... 
How Much You Do...  
You Will Barely Make A Dent in All That Negativity 
In Your Entire Life... (until now)" 

So, now we start to see, this problem is bigger than a bread basket.  In fact, it is huge, huge, huge…

YOU ARE SABOTAGING yourself each and every minute of the day without even realizing it.  You ARE holding yourself back without knowing it...

“Subconscious” literally means below the surface of your consciousness.  Because your Subconscious negative thoughts are so high -- 96.4% is hidden to you... that doesn’t leave much above the surface.  Most of what you do, think, and say is completely hidden to you for the most part.  Automatic habits.  Just like brushing your teeth & hair--you are automatically creating a life not of your choosing.

You are automatically sabotaging yourself… Nearly every moment of every day…   

And this makes it almost IMPOSSIBLE for you to change... regardless of how much education you get… how many programs you try… how many hours you meditate… how many intentions or affirmations you recite... how much counseling or coaching you do... how much 'clearing' you do... how long you stare at a “Vision Board”… or how much “work” you do…


"The definition of insanity

                 is doing the same thing over and over...                                                             and expecting a different result"

~ Einstein


Quantum Thought Shifting™ changes this equation -- so you can actually notice a difference. Get ahead of your Subconscious...  Get rid of the Negativity embedded in your body and soul... Be more effortlessly free of automatic negative habits... Notice a difference!!! 

This chart shows how much Negativity is erased using Quantum Thought Shifting™ when it used to take six weeks to erase it all.  Now, it happens even faster... 11 days on average.  



Secret #6 is:  I've discovered a way (Quantum Thought Shifting™) for you to be free that erases more Negativity, is more effective, is faster, & it's cheaper... So it actually works!  

Sure, small amounts of change are possible with other methods.  After all, you’re not at 100% Negativity.  But whole scale transformational change is nearly impossible...

"It’s time to acknowledge this
huge elephant in the room…

The Way We've Been Trying to
Help People Change is Like
Digging Out a Mountain with a Spoon...
And Instead We Need Dynamite"

WARNING:  If you are a healer, therapist, coach, or other practitioner of the more than 400 healing modalities out there... The following might offend you.  (But, those of you who really want to improve yourself, and help your clients, will hang in here... you'll put your Ego aside...  you'll "get it"...  )

It may be apparent by now:  Traditional & even alternative healing modalities of all kinds are barely making a dent in your huge mountain of Negativity…  If any dent at all.  And, this is leaving YOU stuck, frustrated, doing a lot of extra work, waiting far too long for the incredible life you deserve…  

If you make any change at all it’s painfully slow compared to what is possible.  And, I know… because again I have measured it!  



Mountain With SpoonMost practitioners today don't realize the fundamental problem is you have a LOT of Negativity in your way…And, it's impossible to fix this doing things the old way... 

Working issue by issue no longer works...

Without being armed with my ground breaking research, other systems simply don't know how much "negativity" they are really dealing with--so it likely doesn't even occur to them the industry is barely making a dent in the problem. 

Because it doesn't occur to them, they aren't even searching for a "better" way...

And, they don't have the gift I have to effortlessly erase it.  

Other methods just take TOO LONG!!  

I know it's a bold statement... But, I've never been  one to mince words...

Past Trauma Gone

"I've been having dreams. Three in particular about people who have not done very cool things to me in the past. The one I have done extreme work around was the boy who date raped me in the summer after high school. I have done traditional therapy & hypnosis with the 1st & 2nd observer positions, blah, blah, blah. Still, after 30 years, the trauma remained.

Then I was "shifted". Upon waking from my dream about him, I felt peace and compassion for him, and complete forgiveness. I had a smile on my face and haven't felt so good or free. It will have been 30 years this July. I hoped, but didn't imagine, I would ever be completely free from it. Thank you so much! This is a gift I never expected from taking this program, & I can't tell you how wonderful it is! Enjoy this beautiful weekend! With love & gratefulness for you."

~ Name withheld for privacy,
So. California, USA

As a result of just chipping away slowly at this massive mountain of Negativity, you can do Coaching, Therapy, Hypnosis, Law of Attraction, affirmations, NLP, EFT / Tapping, Release, self-help programs, along with so many of the more than 400 healing modalities out there… and even alternative treatments forever--yet still have a hard time being free of your sabotaging thoughts that prevent your life from working effortlessly, exactly as you choose.  

Most of these systems aren’t even at the point of being able to actually identify your root cause issue!!

If you do healing, and you are offended by this, then you need to leave now.  Don’t shoot the messenger… You cannot solve a problem if you don’t understand what is really going on.  I spent the first 10 years of this business trying not to offend other coaches, healers, and therapists… and this isn’t getting us anywhere.  The Negativity on the planet is still rising...   

The truth is--we MUST change the way we are  doing things because otherwise  real change never happens...


"Secret #7:  STOP Trying to Change...
Instead, It's Time to SHIFT!!

Quantum Thought Shifting™ 
Is Faster... Does More... and Is Cheaper As A Result..."

Consider this quote from Abraham Hicks:

"It is of no value, ever, to ... talk about something that doesn't feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration... so you're less clear..."

You want one thing for your life with your conscious thoughts, but you are simply not in the driver's seat--your hidden beliefs are--so you "create" another more limited reality... Your "vibe" you're sending out is almost always opposing what you really desire... 

This is where Quantum Thought Shifting™ comes in!!

Instead of small, incremental, change... like trudging up a massive flight of stairs... Quantum Thought Shifting™ enables you take the express elevator!!!   


© 2003 - 2012 Pam Ragland / Aiming Higher


Imagine a MAGIC WAND capable of quickly, effortlessly, and permanently erasing your sabotaging thoughts and actions... so you can finally be FREE to choose more of what you want out of life...

Well, now there is!   Here is what most of the personal development industry doesn't really want you to know:   Quantum Thought Shifting™ helps remove your obstacles faster than the speed of life...

Faster than your Subconscious can attract them back… 

Quickly.... Effortlessly... Permanently.  

In fact, Quantum Thought Shifting™ does so much more.  It is so powerful, I keep it as a Trade Secret recipe--the highest designation of protection.  In the wrong, unethical hands, this kind of power to Shift you can be really dangerous... People are always trying to "figure out" my recipe, because they want the power for themselves.  

But the truth is, you won't really get to facilitate this level of power unless you're ready to be really responsible with it.  This keeps the Universe equalized...   

My Quantum Thought Shifting™ "Recipe" is pretty much like getting all my talents rolled into one... I am like a spiritual "Jack of all Trades".... A very powerful healer (gulp!!  It took me years to admit that!)... If there is something out there worth doing, and I know about it, chances are it's already in my recipe... Still, I keep improving it.  My latest improvements added additional support to help even more with Autism.  Right now, I'm on Version 43... 


The results of Quantum Thought Shifting™, results found NO WHERE ELSE (especially all together) include:
  • Start being free of baggage / fear / traumas, & limitations... 
  • Be able to manifest more powerfully... 
  • Be more on purpose effortlessly... 
  • Finally have the capacity to make desired changes, much more quickly...
  • Be more "Conscious"... 
  • Have the capacity to be free of addictions... 
  • Be immediately free of drug withdrawals & side effects (legal, prescription, illegal, other substances--many of my clients choose this just to be free of prescription anti anxiety / anti depression medicine prescribed by well meaning doctors unable to solve the root cause issue)... 
  • Notice dramatic results with helping Autistic / Asperger  kids (and adults) more easily communicate... integrate into society... be much more "normal" -- the first true breakthrough in alternative Autism Treatment...
  • And so, so much more... ALL AT ONCE...    

There are literally hundreds of self help, Therapy, and alternative healing modalities doing JUST ONE of the many, many things Quantum Thought Shifting does in my special, Trade Secret recipe...  

And if you know about something you think belongs in Quantum Thought Shifting™, and we choose to work together, feel free to tell me. I am always updating my recipe mainly from Divine guidance,but also from simply noticing what else is needed... 
But frankly, most of the stuff out there is based in effort... rituals... working one by one... and it's completely unnecessary to work like that any longer!

Not only that... Quantum Thought Shifting™ does it so quickly and effortlessly it's been called a MIRACLE by clients and observers alike ...

What would it mean to you to get rid of the past baggage you've been dragging around, that gets in the way of living life on your terms?  That keeps you from fully realizing your potential?   What if you could speed up the self-help process, so you can move on to really living??

I Am No Longer Skeptical...

"I thought Pam's Quantum Thought Shifting™ was some kind of faith healing.  Then, on a preview call Pam did an energetic healing process with the group.  I IMMEDIATELY felt it.  It was like taking Valium (without the side effects).  The effect continued even after the call was done.  I no longer doubted Pam's gift.  Once I was Shifted, there was no question.  Pam and her ability to change your life is for real!"

~ Marc Phillips
Portland, Oregon


"Well, now you CAN... Take your brakes off!!  

Get Rid of the Right Stuff... 
Do it Faster... More Effortlessly... and Even Cheaper...
This is What Quantum Thought Shifting™
Can Provide For You... 

Who WOULDN'T Want All That?..."

When you progress through the Thought Shifting Levels to Quantum Thought Shifting™ (Level 4), you can even wipe ALL your Negativity out completely... freeing you from attracting anything based in your past, hidden Negativity...This is NOT AVAILABLE anywhere else!!

So you can truly BECOME UNSTOPPABLE...

I used to do ONLY Quantum Thought Shifting™, during one 8 month program. The Shifting happens at the start.  Most of what I'm doing during that time is supporting your massive transformation.   

But, I found that was still too much change for people, too fast.  Most of you simply needed more support to capitalize on your "Shift"...   More time to learn to harness your newfound power... 

You didn't know what you didn't know about how much change you really go through suddenly being free of all those "anchors".   And frankly neither did I, at first.  After all, no one else on the planet is doing this work...  No one else really understands what it takes to help you you can be who you are really meant to be.  I've been figuring it out.  Now, this has developed into a detailed and structured support program. 

I've been doing Quantum Thought Shifting™ since 2003, and I've learned a LOT about helping you adapt to all this massive amount of change... quickly... so you can be your most powerful self.  

So, in order to:  

  • Help you ease into this MASSIVE change...  
  • Adjust to your new found abilities... and power... 
  • And, frankly, to adjust to being suddenly free of sometimes decades of limitation
  • As well as to provide more manageable investment options...

I've now broken Quantum Thought Shifting™ down to 4 main Shifting "Levels"--all cumulatively working towards Quantum Thought Shifting™ which is now Level 4.  (Levels past that are advanced support and education, meant for those on a spiritual path).  Levels 1-3  are now just called simply Thought Shifting™.

Because I know things you don't about what it really takes to change this quickly... and do it as effortlessly as possible... you are now required to start at Level 1.  

(That is, unless you're one of the small handful of people able to work with me privately each year...  Working with me privately is now the ONLY place you can go straight to Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™, and ONLY by application AND being accepted.  You can enter the private program at any Level, however the price is the same...  If you want to apply for this option, go here... )

With Thought Shifting™ (Levels 1 through 3): 

  • Remove huge chunks of your Negativity... quickly and effortlessly... in mere days!   (11% at Level 1...) 
  • Nearly immediately begin getting free of all those "anchors" on your hot air balloon...   (Shifting happens in 1 day at Level 1...) 
  • Progressively erases more and more of your Negativity at each Level...
  • Erase larger chunks of your limitations than anywhere else... so you can finally notice more change...
  • And makes you more conscious.... and therefore more powerful...
  • Then with my support program I'll help you learn how to begin harnessing your new found power... 
  • So you can realize your greatest potential... purpose... joy... and finally experience  peace...  

AND... truly change your life...

Until you reach Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™ which finally removes it all... and then some!  (But everything else my trade secret recipe does -- besides erasing your past Negativity --  is another story!)  

For now, I'll tell you how Level 1 works... since for 99.9% of you it's your starting place!!  

"So Pam, I See My Starting Place 
For All This Massive Change is Level 1... 

But WHAT IS the Level 1 
Thought Shifting™ Program?"  

Starting at Level 1 Thought Shifting YOU CAN NOW SYSTEMATICALLY, QUICKLY, AND EFFORTLESSLY BE FREE of your self limiting, sabotaging, thoughts, actions and habits...

How your Level 1 experience works:
  • Starting is EASY:  Once you confirm your spot, you’ll inform me of your challenge area (you'll receive an immediate link to your personalized  assessment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week--even if it's 2am!)
  • Thought Shifting™ is SIMPLE:  You will be notified when I start your "Shift", after your group starts  
  • Thought Shifting™ is FAST:  Your Shift gradually unfolds over an average of just 1 day for Level 1, to eliminate a huge chunk of your root cause  Negativity surrounding your core issue (this used to take 60 elapsed days--even for me!)
  • Thought Shifting™ is EFFORTLESS:  You won't have to do anything extra during this time period--except drink more water, because I do it all behind the scenes.  Oh--you will also need to participate in your included support program... learn new habits to "drive your own car"... 
  • Thought Shifting™ is simple & PAIN FREE:  You won't have to (in the group or privately) rehash WHY your issue exists--I can and do clear it without the pain and effort of even discussing it...    
  • Thought Shifting Provides FULL PRIVACY:  No one else will know what your focus area is, unless you choose to share it...
  • Continued SUPPORT:  You will receive access to the membership area of my website for ongoing support during your program (and afterwards if you elect ongoing support), and group calls for support & learning new tools 

Because, at the very FIRST level--
Level 1 Thought Shifting™  I will help you:    
  • Purge huge chunks of your limiting thoughts and emotions"Negativity"--an average of 11%-- in one fell swoop (instead of less than a 0.05% over decades)... MASSIVE CHANGE!!  ... 
  • Your erased Negativity comes directly from your Subconscious... making you dramatically more conscious than any other system, almost instantly...  
  • In an average of ONE DAY... so you don't have to wait around... 
  • All done remotely (your support is live via phone/video--also recorded for you) ... you can do Thought Shifting™ in the comfort of your own home... 
  • Without you needing to rehash, identify, or make you relive your issue... no need to dredge up those old, painful memories, emotions, and thoughts... 
  • Putting you back in the driver's seat… so you have more of your conscious thoughts to work on what you'd really rather attract... 
  • So you can live the Masterpiece life meant just for you... begin living your grandest life of unlimited abundance, peace, loving relationships, and fulfillment... Why crawl when you can "Race to your Destiny"?!!

Right now, this is all done via a remote group, via live phone or video (with recordings.)  But soon, Level 1 Thought Shifting™ will ONLY be available on home study... (So you'll be able to start immediately... and work at your own pace!)


"And it Happens Really FAST…

Why Take Decades to Do Less Than 
What Can Be Done in a Day?..."

Remember, I am removing not only the conscious issues in your way, but the many, many, many, many (ultimately the real number is millions!!) of hidden subconscious negative thoughts running your life behind the scenes.  Things you may not even realize are there... sometimes the fact they're gone won't even show up for years.  

In fact, after I was Shifted I would notice things 3 and 4 years later which were gone… Once I was riding my horse.  He reared up (this is where they stand up on their hind legs, which makes it much easier to fall off!!)   In that moment I realized “Oh--I’m not afraid any more.” 
What is interesting is, I didn’t even know I had been afraid when he my horse did that!!!  I didn’t remember or even know I used to feel that feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach everytime he reared up--until realizing it was no longer there… Then, I felt the difference! 

This is what happens so commonly after Thought Shifting™.  You simply won’t remember everything which is now missing.  Your friends & family may, though... because your behavior is less hidden to them than to you...  

You WILL notice “Oh, I no longer react to that…”  Because now, instead of automatically reacting, you get to be in the driver’s seat.  You move into being “at choice”, as you’re meant to be.  

And, your shift happens very quickly!!!

Every level takes a different amount of time for your Shift to be complete: 

  • Level 1 – one day   
  • Level 2 – one day
  • Level 3 – 2 days
  • Level 4 – 11 days

Just look at how quickly your Negativity can be wiped out!!!  Here are results for to removing it ALL directly, from my intital Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™ programs which included ALL levels.  (Even that is faster now... what used to take 6 weeks to erase ALL of it at Level 4, now takes just 11 days on average!!) 

When you start at Level 1, you're looking at an average of ONE DAY to remove what previously hasn't even been possible with existing methods...

So, not only is Thought Shifting™ removing more Negativity than other known systems on the planet... But it's also way, way faster!    


"In Search of Effortless.... 

How Did I Discover
Thought Shifting™ Level 1...?"

Some of you wonder how on Earth I discovered such a revolutionary new method to help people.  Remember--I'm all about "effortless".  So, as soon as things feel hard for me... I stop and ask myself "What would make this more effortless?"  That has led me to some of my greatest discoveries--including Thought Shifting™ Level 1...

Here is what happened.  Basically, once people learned about Quantum Thought Shifting™, some people weren't ready for that level of huge transformational change. And sometimes, they weren't ready for the investment of an 8 month program (which even at that still wasn't really long enough to help you really capitalize on your newfound power...)  

People would ask me "Can I just have a session with you?"  

Although I used to work that way, by the time Quantum Thought Shifting™ was discovered, I was removing so much Negativity and facilitating so much change for people they were already having a hard time adjusting...

You see, I don't believe in the need for a "healing crisis"
like many healing systems introduce...

And, besides,  as a single mom with two kids, I just didn't have time to help all the people requesting these sessions, anyway... even if I did feel  good about them knowing how to adjust to all that change (which, again, I didn't) ... 

So, I asked "How can I help more people, more effortlessly--AND help them manage their change more effectively?"
Then, I discovered I can shift your specific issues in a group setting...even though you all pretty much come in for different challenges.  I was already doing this for Quantum Thought Shifting™, but removing it all with my Trade Secret recipe is a different process... It's the diffference between removing some "infected" files on your computer when you have a virus, which is targeted, and erasing them all which just wipes everything clean.

This is, after all, a very powerful healing gift that I have.  I've been able to get it to do all kinds of things people said were impossible.  So... Walla!  My Thought Shifting  "Level 2 Program" was born...

Still, Level 2 was too much change for many people.  So I required Level 1 as the foundation...  

I Immediately Got a New Job...
after Looking for 7 Months...

"I had been out of work and looking for more than 7 months. Within the first week of Pam's Thought ShiftingLevel 1 program, I got a new job! And, it allows me much more life balance. I am very grateful!!"

~ Kristine M.,
Independence, MO USA

In Level 1, I get to the "root cause" of your challenge WITHOUT me needing to work individually with you to identify it.  I was already working remotely... So putting this all together, I discovered a new, even more effortless, and even quicker way of helping you!!  

Today, Thought Shifting Levels 2 & 3 just continue the Shifting of specific issues... and have their own defined support programs.  at Level 2, you Shift a lot more , which is targeted to your specific issue In Level 1, you now receive a live workshop which includes 4 remote sessions in a defined support program (called “Have Anything™”).  Learn how to capitalize most powerfully on your Shift, what changes to expect, and gain support in moving through your Shift.  

Even better, because of this new group model I am able to offer a lower price than doing the entire Quantum Thought Shifting! 


"I'll Thought Shift™ You --    
But I Won't Lie... 

Then, You'll Have Some Work To Do!
As effortless as this is, You Still Need to Learn to 'Drive'
(It's OK -- I'll help you!!)"

That’s right -- I don’t do all the work!!!    

I have an underlying, fundamental belief... "Life ought to be effortless" ...  Because of this,  I've made Thought  Shifting™  the most effortless (yet profound) way to help you ever... 

BUT this doesn't mean you don't have to do anything.  Right now, before you're Shifted, it's like you're driving around in one of those pedal cars from the "Flintstones".   Thought Shifting™ is like giving you a Camaro... and Quantum Thought Shifting™ is like giving you a Ferrari!!  

In fact, if you don't know how to drive, and you're used to just going really slow... a powerful car like that is actually really dangerous...    It can be a disaster!!

YOU will need to make new choices.  Manage your own thoughts.  I'll help you ... but I can't follow you around!   You simply need to learn how to live in this very transformational, powerful space...

After all, after even Level 1 Thought Shifting™, your conscious thoughts are now so much more powerful… You have been given a Camaro at Level 1, instead of the Flintstone pedal car--and you need to learn how to drive. 

So--I teach you how to "drive your car", with my included support program.  In fact, because I've made Thought Shifting™ as quick and effortless as possible, literally "Shifting" you behind the scenes--most of what you're learning in this program is "how to drive"... and FAST!!

I learned long ago how necessary it is to teach you how to learn to harness your conscious thoughts, since they become so much more powerful.  Even a 10% shift is HUGE compared to anything else you may have tried in the past… 

After I was Quantum Thought Shifted™, I was in my Family Room.  I used to have a terrible problem with ants.  I thought “Oh, I haven’t seen ants in my Family Room in a long time.”  And guess what?  THEY SHOWED UP THE NEXT DAY!!   

This was really my next huge discovery… “Oh my gosh!!”  I thought “I NEED TO TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO MASTER THEIR NOW VERY POWERFUL THOUGHTS!!” 

You MUST learn how to drive your car!!!

I used to tell this story on my teleclasses, and the pretty soon the ants would literally be all over as soon as I went downstairs.  I manifested them even faster.  This is what happens for you, too… good or bad.  You aren’t used to watching your thoughts at this level, and you simply must learn…

Even if you THINK you are used to watching your thoughts, you will learn from me.  After all, when less than 4% of your thoughts matter, you really don’t have to be very careful… You have huge room for error right now.  Most of the energy & thoughts you are using to create your life with just don't have any impact. You may believe they do.   But, just wait & see!!  At a certain point after your Shift, nearly everyone notices how powerful their thoughts have suddenly become... 

So, I created a support program around Thought Shifting™ which teaches you how to capitalize on being free of your sabotaging thoughts, and using the power you innately have. I teach you how to learn to manifest more effortlessly… How to live your life more in line with what you want instead of what you don’t... 

My included "Have Anything™" Support Program begins teaching you to:  

  • Manage your more powerful conscious thoughts (remember, Negativity is removed from your Subconscious at about 11% in Level 1--in one day your Conscious thoughts will become 11% more powerful!)   
  • Recognize when you're getting in your own way -- & shift that  (this profound topic will keep you from getting as much benefit as you could from Thought Shifting™, unless you understand it)   
  • Learn new tools to manage and increase your energy  (you probably don't realize how much of your energy is being chiseled away at all the time... many people immediately experience more energy from just these simple exercises!)  
  • Begin getting more in tune with and recognizing your own guidance system  (so many people rely on outside sources for guidance... yet once you are Thought Shifted™ you'll immediately get more connected to your own innate guidance system.  I teach you tools to help you recognize it... )
  • Learn to begin harnessing your own increased power  (because your conscious thoughts immediately become so much more powerful, it's important not to "miscreate".  Start learning tools to help you manifest powerfully...)
And much more... 

This means you choose the right actions, being in tune with your own Divine guidance, which help you live your life in a flow of "effortlessness"...  You systematically learn to capitalize on the true power you already have, but has been  all covered up by all your Negativity... 

I am firm on this.  Besides my own story, I've learned this first hand with my clients...

Back when I used to do individual sessions, I began erasing more & more Negativity. Once I started erasing 10% on average in a session, my clients suddenly started accidentally "creating" the wrong things with their thoughts... because their conscious thoughts were so much more powerful...   I wasn't teaching you how to "drive your car".

I remember suddenly noticing that even though they weren't Quantum Thought Shifted™, their thoughts were STILL WAY more powerful!!  I realized "Their thoughts are getting so much more powerful--and they don't even see it.  I need to teach people how to manage their change..."  ... which is massive by any standard!

Alcohol & Pot Addiction Gone...

"As soon as I was Thought Shifted™ I was able to effortlessly stop drinking and smoking pot every night. As a Psychiatrist, I didn't feel good about that lifestyle, but didn't know how to stop. This habit literally just melted away..."

~ Name withheld for privacy,
New York, USA

Even  10% is a HUGE change.
.. (remember... of the few systems who do clearing, they are only able to remove an average of 0.5% over 30 YEARS!!)  I wasn't teaching you how to manage all your newfound power... 

I've learned not only how to effortlessly erase your Negativity, but also how to help you capitalize on that... It's just not good enough to have a powerful "car" you don't know how to drive!!   So, all my Thought Shifting™ levels include a defined set of topic modules & exercises I've learned from experience you need to know... I've perfected these over the years, to support you as much as possible in adjusting to your massive changes seamlessly and effortlessly...  

So, I created my support program… to show you how you can learn to do just that… drive your Ferrari at full speed!!!   

I  provide you several support options, both in the live group and outside it (I'll list those details later)... And because your transformation will continue to unfold over months or even years, I even give you the option of continuing with support for a very small fee…  for as long as you would like after your program is complete.   

Imagine getting continued expert support as you implement your new life! 

"No Matter How Much Coaching, Therapy, Healing, or Personal Development You Do... 

You Will Never Make a Dent...
Instead Get Better Results... Instantly!"   

In fact, getting there will with traditional & even alternative methods will take more than your lifetime, and millions of dollars....

Get better results, instantly!  Thought Shifting is just quicker... and does more... so your results are quicker... because you aren't spending years in Therapy, Coaching, or Healing or Clearing sessions.


Even my best friend, a Counselor said "Pam, I can't believe I'm saying this.  But, they really need to know it's true....Why would people spend all that time doing what they can just do and get over with, by working with you?"  (Although I will add, he's been Quantum Thought Shifted !!)

You don't have to wait.  Or suffer.  Or keep battling the same old things over and over... Your starting place right now is Level 1 Thought Shifting…. 


My clients have compared their Level 1 Thought Shifting transformation to decades of Therapy, coaching, personal development programs, and years of other treatment methods.... 

New Clients...

"Thanks to Pam's Quantum Thought Shifting™, New clients are certainly coming out of the woodwork!!"

~ Perenna Fleming,
Oakland, CA


Not only is Level 1 Thought Shifting dramatically quicker than traditional and alternative methods... hours or days vs. decades or even years... But it also removes more of your hidden subconscious sabotaging thoughts than any other method available today.  


Remember--I discovered the Negativity is removed right from your Subconscious.   You can never be fully "Conscious" with all that Negativity.  It's impossible!! This Shift means you will almost instantly have more powerful and be more aware of your conscious thoughts as soon as I Shift you!   And, you will progressively become more and more conscious and powerful with each shifting Level... But, even at Level 1, you'll have the capacity to be way more conscious or powerful than other methods can provide... 

You will shed tons of old habits you don't even realize exist... along with the issue you came to me for.  You see, because you learn by association, with Negativity, your associations are skewed.  Those nagging negative habits... You likely don't even realize how many of them you have--especially because you are only consciously aware of 1% of all your negativity!  


Even more exciting, is because you are meant to be ever expansive Shifting at this level starts a process that really never ends!! You continue to change, become more powerful, become more expansive, get more on purpose, increase your capacity to change, and increase your "vibe" long after I have worked with you.  

Once you are Shifted at Level 4, you actually have the capacity for unlimited “expansion”.  Long after you stop working with me... This is called "Frequency" or your "vibration"--something else I measure...   

Remember, it’s like you are a hot air balloon with 100 anchors.  Each Thought Shifting™ level removes some of the anchors, but you still can’t really fly as high as you can… That is until the very last anchor is cut. Then you are free to really fly!!   This is what happens at Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™… the last anchor can be cut (assuming you allow it...)


Suddenly All Those Negative Thoughts
 Were Gone…

“I used to wake up every morning with my head filled with negative thoughts… Suddenly once Pam “Shifted” me I woke up and they were just gone.  It was so dramatic.  I didn’t even realize I had all those negative thoughts, until they were gone.

Thought Shifting™ is hard to understand until you go through it… But--it can profoundly change your life.  Pam’s work is down to Earth... Practical... Simple… Easy to understand… She makes things seem so easy… Then you realize later how profound her work really is.  Her gifts are amazing…"

~ Judy Welsh,
Phoenix, Arizona

And, there is no need for you to rehash your issues or even for me to help you identify them.  I can Shift you without putting you through the pain of identifying or rehashing any part of what is in your way.  I simply tell you I'm going to Shift you... then, I start your Shift…

The process REALLY IS that simple!

Remember the center of  the "target" is small.... the power of Thought Shifting™ really is in the simplicity!!! 

Why do it the hard way??  



I know it sounds incredible, but as you can see from the above results, Quantum Thought Shifting removes more Negativity in mere days than other methods can do in many lifetimes.  You will just NEVER do it in this lifetime with any other known method today...  

In my Thought Shifting™ Level 1 Program, you still  have an average of 11% of all your negativity removed in just a day!!  Some people will have more, some less--it depends on the core of your issue.  Even if you cut all these methods down by one quarter... this is STILL exponentially faster to remove your hidden obstacles with Thought Shifting™ than any other known method.   (Although I haven't met anyone clearing more, I could never say that's impossible...)

If you are sick and tired of trying to change, only to find you either battle with the same issue over and over, you want to quickly move forward in your life, or you just never really seem to make significant progress in living the life you know you can live, then Thought Shifting™ is for you!   (Honestly, if you don't care about making fast changes or progress towards your dreams, then go ahead and keep doing it the slow way.  This Shift is transformational--and not everyone is ready...) 

Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now!

Or if you have a question, ask now (this page will stay open)... 

"Instantly Email Me" with any questions by typing and submitting your question below.  You'll get a quick response!"
Enter Your Name
Your Best Email


"Pam, What Kind of Results

Can I Actually Expect?" 

 With Thought Shifting™ Level 1, you will focus on clearing the root cause in the way of your ability to permanently change... Remember our earlier cough example?  You aren't just taking cough medicine for a cough (symptom) due to lung cancer (cause).   Instead, Thought Shifiting™ is systematically erasing the root of your symptoms... the cause... so your symptoms can evaporate.  

The thing is, you simply aren’t at choice right now.  Your hidden negativity is running the show.  Even when you think you are creating your life, you aren’t…  Your hidden Negativity in your Subconscious is running the show. You aren't in the driver's seat, like you're supposed to be!!

The more you are Shifted as you move through the Levels, the more Negativity is removed from your Subconscious (remember, your Subconscious is what is hidden to you.)  Be systematically free of what is in your way, Level by Level...  so you can feel FREE!! 

As you progress starting at Level 1 Thought Shifting™, this Shift happens… You will increasingly: 

  • Be happier (this is the number 1 "side effect" people report back to me from any Level of Shifting -- they feel "Happy for no reason")
  • Become more “conscious” – more aware
  • Stop your automatic, Negative reactions
  • You will notice “Oh, I just did that….”  then be able to actually choose not to! ... You'll end up with more conscious control over your life!
  • You  will realize why you take certain actions, so you can choose not to
  • Your physical reactions will dissipate…those negative feelings in your body…
  • Have more powerful conscious thoughts… so you can steer your life in the direction you would like to go…
  • Become more on purpose… closer to your Destiny…
  • Gain more control over your life!!! 

Which allows you to: 

  • Feel better, be more at peace
  • Weather stress better
  • Have an easier time shedding old habits once you choose to 
  • Have an easier time manifesting, once you learn how, and choose to do it
  • Be more focused and productive
  • And so much more!!

Thought Shifting™ systematically erases all that hidden stuff in your head Level by Level, from your subconscious which is running your life.  So now, you can really choose your own destiny…

Then the choosing is up to you!! (I teach you a lot about this, too…so you can make better choices…)  I'll teach you to "drive" your car…as fast as you want to go...  progressively at each Thought Shifting™ Level (Level 5 is dedicated to helping you drive not only fast... but lightening speed!)  

Note:  If you aren’t willing to drive, or learn, I can’t help you!!   You should leave now, or you will be wasting both of our time…

WOW.  Is this all really possible?   YES! 


"So, what difference can

all this make to your life?"

Benefits of Thought Shifting™:

  • No longer be a slave to all those past negative beliefs running your life & holding you hostage 
  • Be able to move forward to have more of what you want – be in the driver's seat
  • Be more on purpose (and in Level 4 you can even know what your purpose is!)
  • Experience more success without the heavy anchor of hidden beliefs holding you back (however you define success) 
  • Experience more freedom and peace
  • Along with the obvious benefits of increasing your focus via my support program... 
  • You can even have the chance to make more money, improve your health, be free of or show improvement in challenging ailments such as addictions, OCD, bi-polar, autism, post traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), to improve your relationships, and more…

...and just plain old have a much better, more fulfilled, life where you begin to really maximize the true potential you have already been given… The potential you came to this planet with! 

To be as powerful as you really are...

All quickly, more effortlessly, more comprehensively ... and permanently... 

"People Ask Me -- 'Pam, Do You Thought Shift™

Children and Pets??'

 I work with children of all ages with Thought Shifting™ and Quantum Thought Shifting™  ... and I even have a Quantum Thought Shifting™ program  for pets.

Children often exceed their parent's results.They are more open, & not yet burdened with quite as much Negativity, or as many years of being stuck in habits that don't serve them.

I was even able to help my own son (shown on the right) be free of many Autism issues--all by accident.  He was Quantum Thought Shifted™ as one of my experiments, testing my "recipe", when he was 2.  I had no idea at the time his particular behaviors were signs of Autism.  

Because he has grown up to be so "normal", because his communication skills are well above average, and he even displays emotion and connection--his Autism wasn't even identified until age 8 1/2!!  In fact, the experts were shocked he is Autistic.  He has skills he is still learning, but Quantum Thought Shifting™ has helped him live a relatively "normal" life!!

To Shift children, they participate in the regular Thought Shifting™ and Quantum Thought Shifting programs.  It is best to go through with or after their parents, so you can help reinforce how to live more powerfully... as their newly Shifted selves... 

"My daughter didn't feel wanted at school...
Pam helped Shift my daughter so she
now easily makes friends..."  

"At Mommy and Me, a boy yelled "No" at my 2 yr. old daughter, when she was trying to play with another child.  It really hurt her feelings at not being included. She welled up in tears, and was not the same happy, carefree girl for the rest of the class. I immediately took her to work with Pam. As she played with toys, they talked about the incident.  

Pam detected the root cause within 5 minutes, then  used Thought Shifting™.   

The results were so great!   This issue was immediately gone.  Before whenever my daughter talked about the incident, she had tears in her eyes.  Afterwards, she was happy, with no signs of negative emotions.  She even wanted to invite the "offending" boy over to play!!  Now, she easily makes friends in her class.   Years later, it has never returned.  What a gift to eliminate such a huge thing so early, which otherwise would have impacted the rest of her life!"

~  P. Rosen,
Aliso Viejo, CA

For children, I may require a parent also attends the program before or with your child.  Here are the Shifting guidelines:  

  • Levels 1 through 3 -- may be Shifted without a parent (but at least one parent is recommended so you can reinforce the learning and not co-create the wrong things)
  • Levels 4+ -- at least one parent must be Shifted before, or concurrent with, the child 

I also offer a "Child Shifting" package with Shifting, but no education, as follows (eventually I'll have some education specific to children):  
  • Levels 1 through 3 -- ages 1 - 5 may be Shifted under the "child" Shifting package.  This simply provides Thought Shifting™ without any of the education.  Above age  5 must enroll in the full package, including education.  (When done without a parent, an parent may need to help...) 
  • Levels 4+ -- ages 1 - 9 may be Shifted under the "child" Shifting package, as long as at least one parent has been or is currently enrolled in the full program.  Ages 10+ must attend the full program.  Ages 7+ may optionally attend the full program, at the parent's discretion.  

Be sure to ask below if you have any questions about Shifting your child or children...

For animals, so far EVERY pet who was dying lives once I Shift them... WOW, how cool is that?  Although I can't promise it, if your pet agrees to be Quantum Thought Shifted™, then so far every pet shows a noticeable change...regardless of the issue.

Pets don't need to participate in any education.  As soon as you purchase a pet Quantum Thought Shifting™ package, you'll receive an email 24/7 (even if it's 2 am), asking you to describe the issue.  I'll then shift your pet at my next Pet Shifting session (usually once a week).    If it's an emergency, I'll be notified, and your pet will be Shifted as soon as possible.  


"The vet wanted to put my dog
Freeman to sleep for Kidney failure...
but just 3 days after Pam Shifted him,
he was fine..."  

Freeman"Freeman (my 3 year old St. Bernard) was very ill ... my vet ran a Creantine test for his kidneys. It showed that his Creantine level was at 4.1...Almost kidney failure & he was very dehydrated...

She asked me if I wanted to put him to sleep... she really thought it was the end. I said NO please do what you can, he is not ready to leave (I was not ready for him to leave!) She pumped him full of fluids, gave him a Penicillin shot and told me that was his last chance...  .

I came home very upset & called Pam.  She told me there were things I needed to shift, and if I would do them she could help him.  Pam "shifted" him immediately.

I sat down with him & promised I would start taking care of myself, eat more, quit worrying so much about him, & stay positive...  Within 3 hours of his "shift" (and mine) he ate his first meal in a week & was drinking lots of water! He continued to eat & drink in the 3 days that followed... I started cooking for myself again & began trying to organize my life...

I took him back to the vet 3 days later & my vet drew blood & came in looking shocked... This was the day she was to put him to sleep, so I thought the worst. She said his Creantine had dropped down to 2.0... It was a very dramatic drop in such a short amount of time!  She could not believe it & felt bad for even considering euthanasia. He has been doing great ever since his "shift", & his kidneys are now functioning perfectly! His appetite has never been better & he drinks water all day...

I have learned to leave the ranch for a few hours & not worry about him. I gained 5 lbs also (which I needed). Pam....Thank You with all my heart for helping us...I love my boy & am so grateful to you!!"

~    Lisa Sparks & Freeman V. Kojak,
Northern CA


If you would like to find out about Shifting your children or pets, ask me.  I offer you discounts when you are Shifted together.

Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now! 


Or, if you aren't quite positive, or have questions about shifting your children or pets... 

"Instantly Email Me" with any questions by typing and submitting your question below.  You'll get a quick response!"
Enter Your Name
Your Best Email



"So What's Included In 

Thought Shifting™ Level 1?"

If you're lucky enough to get into the LIVE Thought Shifting™ Level 1 Program taught by me (I'm only planning on teaching one more live group myself), you'll receive the following program support Modules, Thought Shifting Level 1 shifting,  and Bonuses, during:

  • Live, weekly group meetings
  • Via telephone Conference Line or live Streaming Video  (or both--your choice!) 
  • And, I'll even answer your personal questions, when posted on your private program Forum... 
Here is a sampling of the contents of this incredible, unique program, designed to not only facilitate your transformation... but also:
  • Support you in the most seamless ways to capitalize on your major Shift...  
  • Move the most effortlessly into your own power...   "learn how to drive your car"... 
  • Walk away with new exercises, tools, and techniques to help you change your life as effortlessly as possible... 
  • Learn how to live in a world filled with Negativity, as yours is blasted away...
  • All so you will begin being more Conscious, more connected to your own Divine personal source guidance, and more and more aligned with your life purpose and mission...   

Typical program contents.  I am always improving this program to support you best... so you will never receive less than this:

Level 1 Program contents:    What you receive:   Ala Carte Price
Module 101:
Why Change is So Hard
The Reasons You Have Struggled
Daily Exercises, Audio Meditations
Models To Help You Change
Module 102:
 The One Thing You Can Do To Make  All The Difference  
Pam's Proprietary RoCK Model
Take Back Your LIfe NOW!  
Module 103:
Starting to Shift
What to Expect
 Managing Thought Shifting™ Symptoms
Creating Your Reality Powerfully
Module 104:
Your Faster than Life Transformation
Managing Your Transformation
Continuing Your Journey
Thought Shifting™ Level 1 Shift
Done as a group, "behind the scenes".  (I notify you when you've been Shifted.)
Average  11% Negativity Removed (more than decades of other systems) $697.00
Bonus #1:
Replays & Action Guides
Downloadable Audio MP3's (Every Module)
Downloadable PDF's (Select Modules)
Bonus #2:
Video replays
Viewable Online Video (Every Module)  $197.00
Bonus #3:
Past Program Archives
Hours & Hours of Content
From Multiple Groups & Past Topics
Audio MP3's /Viewable Online Video 
Bonus #4 (Live program ONLY):
 Private Forum     
Interact with Other Participants
  Ask Pam Your Personal Questions   
Normal Price
Limited Time Only (see below for current pricing...)   *$3,017.00

I am always improving my programs!  I reserve the right to improve topics, and revise the information included.

I have been continually improving my ability to effortlessly eliminate your self limiting beliefs and roadblocks, since 1985.   I have spent  nearly a million dollars and more than eight years (since I realized I am, indeed, a healer) refining this ability.  Now, you can benefit from my divine wisdom, knowledge, inspiration, experience... and, my gift of Thought Shifting™ !      

"Wow Pam… Thought Shifting  Sounds Amazing!!  

I have Questions…

If we were sitting in a coffee shop across from each other & I was telling you I have this method called Thought Shifting that could change your life, you may have a lot of questions for me!  

Since I’m not sitting in front of you, here are some of the most common questions I receive… (click on your question to go directly to the answer)...

  1. What will my Thought Shifting™ experience be like? 
  2. How does the live program / group work?
  3. Where is the program held?
  4. How long is the program?
  5. How do you Shift me? 
  6. Who does my Thought Shifting™?
  7. What do I need to do? 
  8. How long does it take?  
  9. Do I have to be on the live calls / videos?  
  10. Does everyone get the same results?  
  11. Will I have to tell everyone else in the group my "problems"? 
  12. Why can't you just "shift" me with one session like other programs do?
  13. Who teaches the Have Anything™ support program? 
  14. Do I qualify?  
  15. Do you offer any discounts?  
  16. What kind of support will I receive during the program? 
  17. What kind of support will I have afterwards?  Will I need it? 
  18. When does it start?  
What Will My Thought Shifting™ Experience Be Like?   I tell people it is really the simplest, most effortless process ever...  Here is the process for being Shifted at Level 1: 
    • Basically, you'll complete your assessment, which makes you eligible to particitpate in the next live group (with space)
    • You'll select a group (I'l send you the information) 
    • Once you're active in a group, and your assessment is complete, I'll Thought Shift™ the entire group at once.  
    • To shift you, I'll simply tell you I started your Shift...which I'll do behind the scenes, as a group.  No need to discuss it with me, identify the issue, rehash it, relive it, or tell the group.  ** Think simple!!  ** 
    • You'll follow the simple instructions:  drink more water, rest if you're tired 
    • You'll actively participate in your Have Anything™ educational part of the program, which is currently one month for Level 1... 
    • I'll provide you support by answering your group's questions, for the duration of your program... 
    • You can elect to participate in ongoing support--my "Have Anything)TM) Support Club"--for a small fee.  (This is a wise investment, since with so much change even at Level 1, it's

In Level 1, an average of 11% of all your negativity is erased.  This is designed to prepare you to really be able to transform, and move more into your purpose.  (In Level 2 you will select a focus area…) 

Top List

How does the live program work? Then, for four weeks (or longer, depending on your Thought Shifting™ Level), you will: 

  • Participate in a remote telephone training workshop (which I call "Have Anything™") -- education to help you understand the shifting process, and how you can capitalize on your Shift to get more of what you want...   
  • You can call in from anywhere in the world (even using Skype!)   As long as you have internet access, you can even watch on live streaming video for FREE... 
  • Your support program is an essential part of your success.  If you miss a call, no worries--it will all be recorded and available on my website, along with the video (assuming no technical difficulties!) ...
  • You are free to listen in again, and even download the calls as MP3's to your iPod or  iPad.  All recordings and videos are mobile friendly...   (Videos may be viewed but not downloaded)
  • You'll also have free access during your program to my "members only" support forum, to ask your individual questions and for mutual support between other participants.  Your questions are answered on our group calls.
I’ll be honest, some of you won’t make it past Level 1.  You simply aren’t ready yet for that Ferrari... 

But, those of you who are will appreciate the supportive environment of others who are also on the
Thought Shifting journey.  You have found a new home where you can excel – where your balloon can fly!!

Top List

Where is the program held?  Everything takes place in a group, live, by phone or video (your choice).  It doesn't matter where you are in the world, I can help you, and you can participate. 

Top List

How long is the program?  You’ll receive the Have Anything™ Support Program, which supports you in most effectively adjusting to your Thought Shifting™, as a month long program.  It takes place over 3 weekly  1 to 1 1/2 hour sessions,  plus a bonus Q & A session for this group.) 

Top List

How do you shift me? I will simply let your group know your Shift has started.  I do it behind the scenes.  SIMPLE.  EFFORTLESS.  From your perspective, you’ll just follow the simple instructions I give you.  Things like drink more water, and sleep if you’re tired...  Really, it’s the simplest thing ever.  The power is in the simplicity! 

Otherwise, the mechanics of it are I have a very powerful healing gift.  So with intelligence, I use my gift to help you transform into who you were meant to be in the first place.

Top List

Who does my Thought Shifting™?  Since it is really a very powerful gift, I am the only one on the planet doing Thought Shifting™ and Quantum Thought Shifting™.  The number of people I can Shift at once is unlimited, and not bound by geography.  So, I will continue to do the Thought Shifting™   for all the groups, whether I teach them or not--including the Home Study. 

Top List

What do I need to do?   Honestly, once you complete your assessment, and choose the group to participate in, not a lot.  You will receive instructions via email, and on the live/recorded calls & videos, during your group.  But again, they are very simple.  Things like drink more water, get rest, and record what you notice…

Top List

How long does it take?  In Level 1 your shift will be complete within a day or two.  Then, you will spend the rest of the time (and many months thereafter!) learning how to capitalize on what you have just received.   Frankly, this is the hard part for most people.  You simply aren’t used to watching every word you think.   So, we will spend most of our group time and education on this.

Top List

Do I have to be on the live calls/videos?  You can listen to group recordings if you miss a call, or download them to your IPod.  You can watch the recorded videos but not download them. 

No, you don't have to be on the phone/video to be shifted.   So, if you just can't make the scheduled time, you can always participate via the recordings.  You will still receive support via my Have Anything™ Support Club membership program (FREE your first month during the Thought Shifting™ Level 1 program!)     

Top List

Does everyone get the same results?  No. Thought Shifting™ is like giving you a gift.  Some of you will unwrap the whole thing like a kid at Christmas, and others of you will put it on the table and wait for the right time to open the entire thing.  Some of you will peek under the wrapper just a bit… gradually opening more over time. 

Your new capacity is always sitting there waiting for you to step into it, whether you are still working with me, or not.  I have seen clients months later suddenly realize a new "Shift".   What actually happened is they got the courage to step into the next piece of who they are...

And, you all come for different reasons, as complex as the many people who come to me to receive Thought Shifting™...  So the specifics of what you notice are also as different as you all are...

Top List

Will I have to tell everyone else in the group my "problems"?   No.  It’s not necessary in order to Shift you.  You can share as much or as little as you would like--or nothing.  However, you will find the more you are shifted, the more essential it is to express your emotions.  We will talk about this in the Have Anything™ support part of the program.

Top List

Why can't you just "shift" me with one session like other programs do? The answer is simple... because I am clearing a lot more than they are!!  You need to be prepared for this.  

  • I'm clearing a lot more than other systems are!  (the longer I've been doing this work, the more I erased in one session... First 1%... then 10%... then 30%... as high as 78% depending on the issue...) 
  • The more Negativity I erase, the more powerful your Conscious thoughts become  (erasing that much Negativity without preparing you to adjust to it is just plain dangerous...)
  • You need to be prepared for your conscious thoughts to manifest more powerfully  (I'm unable to teach you enough in one session... you receive more than 6 hours  of education with Level 1 now--and as the Shift™ gets more powerful I still always want to add more!!) 
  • I'm removing many issues buried deep in your Subconscious  (so it may be months, or even years before you notice everything that has simply faded away -- if ever!!)    
  • You need to be prepared for so much change  (you simply need support through this process, which is unlike anything you have ever experienced...)   

For example, nearly two years after my shift  my horse reared up (that's where they stand up on their hind legs--very dangerous!)  It was only then I realized I was no longer afraid!!  My fear had been gone all that time... but because he wasn't rearing up, I hadn't given it a second thought.  Out of sight out of mind.  It was gone.  Then, one day he reared up--I think simply to help me realize I was no longer afraid.  (Animals are, after all, teachers...)   And, at that moment I realized my fear had been gone the entire two years.     

Top List

Who teaches the Have Anything™ support program?   It is integrated in with the Level 1 Thought Shifting™ program.  As I am refining the program, I have been teaching all the groups.  Moving forward, I will only teach the next one or two groups myself.  After that, most of the programs will go to Home Study.  

It may be that I allow some of my teachers--all who have already been Shifted at Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting  to support you in your change, and possibly teach some live groups.  This will allow more options of days, times, and possibly some in-person groups. 

Having teachers help support you will also allow me to help more of you.  Your change can be quite profound.  This is the part that really is not very scalable… I can only help so many people personally, because everyone responds differently.  Yet, I’m unwilling to remove all live support options.  I've seen too many people benefit from it…

Top List

What kind of support will I receive?  You will receive a personal login to my website, and access to a private client only area.  In my private clients only forum, you can ask questions you would like me to answer.  Then, during your group calls, I will answer the questions. 

You will also receive:

  • Support material (depending on the topic)
  • Healing audio exercises (which you are free to download)
  • My exclusive journal format (you are free to download)
  • Links to recommended resources
  • Access to all past question & answer sessions
  • And much more!! 

My goal for this part of the program is to give you the tools for you to be successful after your Shift.  It is why I do the work… I want you to be able to implement the changes fully.  I want you to move into your fullest capacity as quickly as possible.  Hopefully you do, too!   

Top List

Do I qualify?  Unlike my Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™ program, you do not have to apply for this group.  The only limitation is the number of slots.  (You will however have to start at Level 1—you must complete the programs in order--and also complete some pre-assessments once you reserve your slot.)    

Top List

Do you offer any discounts?  Yes!  For families with 3 or more members, you receive a price break (you'll have this option at checkout.)  Current Have Anything™ support members in good standing receive a greater discount.  Contact Us for more details.  " 

Top List

What kind of support will I have afterwards?  Will I need it?  For the duration of your live program, you will have access to ask your personal questions on the Forum.  I will answer all questions during the group sessions.  You can also choose to support, and be supported by, other group members via the Forum.  This is included.

I have been asked for a long time to create an ongoing level of support for people.  So I have... my Have Anything™ Club Memberships. You will likely want to continue this level of support after your program ends, because:

  • You would like additional support in living your new life
  • You want to continue hearing about the things I am up to
  • You want access to recordings, calls, discounts, and written materials the public won't have access to
  • You appreciate being part of a new community of "shifted" people
  • You want to continue to capitalize as powerfully as possible on your Shift...
  • And most importantly, you will want to be supported as your Shift continues to unfold...
For any or all of these reasons, you will have the opportunity to continue on after your program ends, starting at a small monthly fee.  

Top List

When does it start?  Historically I have only held a Level 1 group about 2-4 times per year, (Level 4 is just once a year.)   Again, this next group is the last planned live group.  After that, the program will go to Home Study--then you can start immediately.  All you'll need to do is complete your required assessment...

I always hold live remote groups on either Monday or Tuesday, pacific time zone (PST). find out when the next Level 1 group is scheduled, with space still available, (when they are… I usually announce them 2-4 weeks in advance & they fill up FAST!!) visit my site calendar by clicking the calendar below:

Once the group is full you will be added to the wait list.  You will be offered the first spots in the next group.  If the live groups are complete, you'll be offered the Home Study.

Top List

I Am Making Three Times More Money...
And Living My Dream...

"I had the dream of creating a 'Healing Fountain'. Within a year of being Quantum Thought Shifted™ by Pam, I had my manifested my new center! I have tripled my income. This year I expect to triple it again. I was "warned" by my mentor at the time I should not remove my Negativity so easily. She said it would be "bad" for me (she was threatened.) Nothing could be further from the truth--there is nothing so freeing as removing it ALL. You won't know what it's like until you do it. I listened to my inner knowing and joined anyway. I am so glad I did, it has changed my life!"

~ Pamela Hopkins,
Virginia Beach, VA

Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now! 


Or, if you still have questions... ask now!

"Instantly Email Me" with any questions by typing and submitting your question below.  You'll get a quick response!"
Enter Your Name
Your Best Email


"OK So Here is The Scoop.... !!"

If you're content to do things the hard way, this program is not for you.  But, if you are the exceptional 1 out of 10 who would rather change than die--you are in luck!!  Because now you have just found a way to help you change much more effortlessly!   

If you want to:
  • Be free from a specific issue in your own way...
  • Manifest things into your life more powerfully... 
  • Live your life more on purpose…
  • Be more conscious, connected, in "flow"... 
  • Move into the Driver’s Seat of your life…
Then Thought Shifting™ Level 1 is for you!!!  

** In addition, if you happen to also be a Coach, Consultants, Therapist, Doctors, Healer, or Teacher: 

  • Gain greater insight into helping your clients (you can't help but learn form my research and insights, which will expand your thinking... ) 
  • And a greater capacity and more power to do so (Clients who help people in any capacity report a much greater ability to help more profoundly, once Shifted... ) 
  • Healers, your healing becomes more powerful--because the Thought Shifting™ frequency is so much more expansive (if you've been "atuned" to any healing energy, this dramatically shifts that... you are no longer operating in the same space!) 
  • Your current work will go to a new level!!   (for example, my Reiki Master clients tell me their healing is completely different after being Shifted… people doing all kinds of healing notice a difference.  It's a much more comprehensive, "higher vibe" energy.)  
  • Advertise your Thought Shifting™ Level (the greater the Thought Shifting™ level, the more powerful your existing gifts become!!  All practitioners in good standing...) 

You may wonder "What is required of me?"  Because of the highly transformational nature of this work, and because an equal part of your success is in your hands (you still need to learn how to use your new found capacity, "drive your car", once being free of what is in your way.) There are a few things I've found essential, to help you get the most from your investment of time and money:  

  • You are really motivated to do the work (don’t join because someone else says you “should”!!)
  • You are willing to take responsibility (I will teach you more about this… often you believe you are doing this when in fact you are not)
  • You leave your ego at the door so you can be open to real learning  (If you know “everything” you are unteachable… and therefore you will not learn.) 
  • You do the actions I assign every week (yes there is homework!  It's simple, practical, and applies to your daily life… and helps you fully integrate your shift...)

This is a partnership!!   If you don’t do your part, you may not get the results you are looking for. 

Unlike my Level 4 Quantum Thought Shifting™ group (and private) program , there is no need to apply for Level 1.  Everyone will be admitted... 

I want you to experience the greatest results you can!!  If you have questions, either now or during the program, feel free to discuss them with me (or one of my teachers.) 

HURRY!!   Sign-ups are processed on a first come, first served basis.  Please do not delay…  ** I HAVE A WAITING LIST FOR EVERY GROUP!!!  **   If you want to get in, sign up now before the group is entirely full.  

You can sign up any time to reserve your spot (when the group is full, you must wait for the next group--you will remain on the waiting list, in order...)  Once your spot is reserved, if you want to wait for a later group you always have that option... (or if there are no more live groups, you can convert to Home Study free of charge.) 

This new group will be led by ME.  Hurry, because soon it will not only go up in price for any remaining live groups--but I will be teaching my teachers to take over the live groups. 

So if you want to get shifted more quickly and save money act now!


Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now!    



"So, Pam how much is it?"   

How much would you expect to pay for a program that does so much?  How much does evaporating obstacles in your way, so you can live the powerful life you are supposed to be living, cost?  Erasing a huge chunk of "baggage" it would otherwise take you a lifetime of coaching, therapy, or self help programs to remove?  Not to mention the cost to your life of not accomplishing your purpose, and having to struggle more than necessary, in any area of your life?  What should this revolutionary program cost, anyway?   

Raise the bar.  Expect more from yourself, and you will get more in return!

You might expect to pay $100,000 or more for such a remarkable program.   In fact, I know friends who have!   And with far lesser results...  For those of you with addictions, there are many rehabs out there costing an average of $22,000 and some as high as $65,000 per month (with a typical 3 month stay...)   

My private Quantum Thought Shifting™ Level 4 group alone is currently $17,777....

But, I want this program to be accessible to everyone.  So, I have kept the price as reasonable as possible, while still reflecting the value you are getting.  I even take credit cards!

To get an idea of what it would cost to actually eliminate all your negativity using other popular methods, see below. In fact, most of these methods exceed your life expectancy many times over. You will never, ever, be able to remove even a small fraction of the negativity you have accumulated in this lifetime with any of the other methods I have run across out there so far!

And, even if you could, it would cost astronomical amounts...

Have Anything

With my Thought Shifting™ Level 1 program, not only do you receive the negativity clearing via Thought Shifting, which no one else on the planet can even do for you right now, but you also receive the following added benefits:

  • More learning! Take full advantage of what other's have learned!!  
  • Full access to prior Level 1 Have Anything™ program recordings. I say different things in every group, people ask different questions… Maximize your learning. It's like sitting in on every one of my groups I have ever done!!  -- $1,532 MINIMUM bonus value!!
  • More support! Make the most of your Shift -- One month's free access to my Have Anything™ Support Club membership site, for additional support -- -- $97.97 minimum value  
All this in addition to Thought Shifting™
AND a month's worth of weekly live program calls!

The bonuses alone are worth over $1,629.97!!

…More than I am charging for this group!!   

Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now!    



"You could easily pay MORE than this
for JUST education... not “clearing”...  

and NOT the Extreme Healing
of Thought Shifting™!"

So, what is the price?   This Level 1 Thought Shifting™ group is not thousands like my Quantum Thought Shifting™ group.  It is affordable and accessible for most everyone.  (I even let you make payments!!)

Since I'm the ONLY ONE doing this level of work, I'm so excited to be able to get such economies of scale at Level 1, so I can offer these options!! 

I also want to give back... I know there are a lot of people suffering needlessly right now, stuck in fear.  Did you know fear is just a frequency?  A "vibe" if you will?    Thought Shifting™ takes you out of the frequency of fear being your highest capacity--so you can make a different choice.  Without it, you just can't seem to pull yourself out of fear.     

Thought Shifting™  has NEVER been so accessible to the masses than it is now! 

You can really SAVE with Level 1, over your investment for removing it all (and more) with Quantum Thought Shifting™.  This is, in fact, a huge value given how long it would take to remove even a portion of your negativity with traditional methods...

Who knows how much your Negativity is costing you?  It really just depends on what the issues are that are in your way.  I can tell you this:  If you are struggling with money, you are dealing with Negativity in your way!! 

DO NOT LET MONEY stop you from experiencing Thought Shifting™!   Here is the irony... if you have money blocks, unless you do something to change them, you will just keep getting the same result.

In fact, this is the LEAST EXPENSIVE investment you can currently make in Thought Shifting™ !!

For THIS GROUP ONLY the price is$697  $497 to join the entire program!    This is less than the price of coaching, or therapy--yet you get SO MUCH MORE!!  

In fact, my clients have told me that just ONE session with me was worth more than decades of therapy.  No kidding!  And, my gift gets more powerful all the time... 

Now, I already said price should not be a reason for you NOT to do this life changing program! If paying in full is too much, I also offer a 2-pay plan… You will pay a little more, but you can spread it out over 2 months… Just $387   $287 each month



Already know you are ready to receive Thought Shifting™?  ... Click here now!    


"I'm Ready!  Sign me up..."      

Getting started with Thought Shifting™...


Priority Order Form

WARNING: Only 149 5 Seats Available...

YES! I want to transform my life quickly, effortlessly, & permanently via Thought Shifting™ Level 1... 

And, I want the exact strategies and techniques used by Pam Ragland to learn how to begin "Having Anything™" in my life, effortlessly adjust to my transformation, capitalize on my power, be free of what stops me,  and begin being more on purpose.  I am ready to change my life!  

Live groups:  For the few live groups remaining with Pam, you'll receive an email to Register for your choice of programs with space available.  HURRY -- these groups fill up fast!!  You will be notified when the next group has space available. There is usually a waiting list, and the live groups are phasing out.   (If you miss out on the live groups, you will be offered the Home Study option + Thought Shifting™. ) 

After each live session is held, all training is available 24 hours a day.  Listen or watch at your convenience.

"Pay At Once" Option

  • Thought Shifting™ Level 1 Shifting (average 11% Shifting) 
  • Helps profoundly erase your obstacles, prepares you to live more on purpose, & change at a faster pace
  • LIVE full 3 week support program
  • BONUS - Access to my membership Have Anything™ Forums & Support Club FREE for 1 month 
  • BONUS - Q&A additional LIVE session
  • BONUS - 24/7 access to current and past audio and video recordings, during your program 


$697  $497  

**Limited time pricing!**

"Payment Plan" Option

2-Pay Plan -- NEW!!
  • Thought Shifting™ Level 1 Shifting (average 11% Shifting) 
  • Helps profoundly erase your obstacles, prepares you to live more on purpose, & change at a faster pace
  • LIVE full 3 week support program
  • BONUS - Access to my membership Have Anything™ Forums & Support Club FREE for 1 month 
  • BONUS - Q&A additional LIVE session
  • BONUS - 24/7 access to current and past audio and video recordings, during your program 

$387  $287/each 

**Limited time pricing!** 

Return Policy


Or if if works better for you, use my 3-pay plan… You will pay the most, but don’t hesitate if this fits your budget better…

$387  $197 **Limited time pricing!**   


Return Policy

** These special discounts are good for a limited time only!  **


  • Remove your most important negative roadblocks**...
  • Fastest method on the planet!
  • Learn NEW TOOLS to capitalize on your new found freedom... 








P.S.  I cannot guarantee I'll be able to offer these substantial discounts in the future!!


P.P.S.  There are only 1-2 live groups with Pam remaining... hurry!!!  If you miss out, you will only be offered the Home Study + Thought Shifting™ option...  

I can't make it right now… But I would love access to your FREE call archives!!! Keep in touch with me!! (You will receive access to hours and hours of answers to many of the most common questions, my newsletter "Thought Shifting™ Gazette" and other special free healing opportunities!!)

Enter Your Full Name
Enter Your Primary Email
Enter Your Country

 * Thought Shifting™ and Quantum Thought Shifting™ are governed by the Alternative Medicine Laws of the State of California, United States

** As a healing modality, I cannot guarantee any specific result because part of the success belongs to you.  I can promise you you'll get better results when you do the work I give you in addition to Thought Shifting™.  

"Dear Pam, I definitely noticed a shift.  I feel more focused, and freer to do what I came here to do.  Love to you, Jack"  

~ Jack Canfield, Chicken Soup For the Soul series co-author


"I have lost 14 pounds in the past month!"  



"Pam Ragland is the master of focused and fast transformation."    

~ Todd Canedy, CA, USA


"My fears are just like a thing of the past.  It's like I never had them.  Amazing!"    



"Not only am I effortlessly attracting whatever I choose--but I have such peace all the time." 



© 2009 - 2012 - Pam Ragland / Aiming Higher. All rights reserved in all media forms.

Aiming Higher, 31441 Santa Margarita Pkwy Ste A103, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688  949-734-0374.


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