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Aiming Higher Quantum Success Co.
31441 Santa Margarita Parkway, Ste A-103.
Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca. 92688
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Pam's Community Involvement 

Pam is committed to and very involved in her local community, in addition to  raising two small children (ages 5 & 6) as a single mom.  Here are just some of her community involvment activities: 

City of Rancho Santa Margarita Community Services Committee (2005 - ):  Pam was personally selected by City Councilman Neil Blais as a key representative on this imprtant city wide committee, for the Economic Development Committee.  The City of Rancho Santa Margarita is founded on the philosophy of working, living, and playing within the city.  As such, events & methods that bring the community together in all aspects are vital to achieve and maintain the city's vision.      

City of Rancho Santa Margarita Economic Development Committee (2004 - Present):  Pam was personally selected by then Mayor Neil Blais as one of the first representatives on this important  public committee, focused on fostering a business-city partnership, due to her community involvement and proven leadership.  This is an official city committee of appointees, equivalent to the Planning Commission.  Pam has facilitated several large community focus group meetings, with city business leaders.  Pam supplied the methods, and trained committee volunteer facilitators, to lead focus groups of over 100 people each time on behalf of the city.     

Rancho Santa Margarita Chamber of Commerce Board (2000 - 2005 ):  Pam held several board positions including Vice President of Membership, & Publicity Director (a position she developed.)    She led the first State of the City event, which then Mayor Carol Gamble could not stop raving about.  She resigned as her business began taking much more of her time.    

City of Rancho Santa Margarita Community Center Planning Committee (2001 - 2002):  As a member of this important committee, Pam facilitated community feedback from diverse groups.  She supplied the methods and trained community volunteer facilitators to lead focus groups of over 100 people  on behalf of the city.  

Volunteer, The Nature Conservancy (2001 - Present):  Through extensive training, Pam leads the public on tours through private Irvine Company/ Nature Conservancy land.  She combines equestrian skills, nature knowledge, docent tour leading training, and human first aid/CPR to provide an experience many people would otherwise never get.  This important function also builds appreciation for our wonderful local natural resources.   

Equestrian Trails Inc. Local 357 Board Member (2000 - 2002):   Pam was responsible for communications & publicity via the newsletter, press releases, etc.   She resigned once Sydnee was born. 

Equestrian Trails Inc. Local 357 Member (2000 - ):  As a member of this equestrian group, Pam helps monitor & maintain the local trails, and participates in & sometimes assists with local events.  

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