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Aiming Higher Quantum Success Co.
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What is Quantum Thought Shifting TM ?

"We reveal your true masterpiece"   Pam Ragland

Quantum Thought Shifiting(TM) is an entirely new form of energy technology on this planet.  This energy technology was pioneered via Pam Ragland in 2004 (or so she believes... who knows, it could have been earlier!!), and is her gift she brings to the world.  

It literally wipes out all past negative conditioning, and personal karma, in one fell swoop.  Currently it is taking 11 days on average, and Pam is always improving the process. 

And all without having to even know what the specific issues or limiting beliefs are.  No need to dredge up the past, or re-live past trauma or painful situations. 

No need to do affirmations and visualizations to overwrite the past (although you do still need to focus, but not for hours on end).  No more need for therapy of any kind... No need for traditional coaching... No need to use hypnotherapy, machines, Holosync CD's, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), the Sedona method, or any of the other "energy clearing" techniques out there today.   Quantum Thought Shifting(TM) replaces all of them.  And more powerfully than anything on the planet today.  Period. 

Then, Pam made another powerful discovery quite by accident.  This same technology worked wonders for people with addictions.  Clients who came to Pam for other reasons reported their addictions gradually just went away, never to return again.  No need for continual meetings.  Life moved forward. They were FREE.  Why?  Because it elemintated the root cause of why people turned to addictions in the first place.  Instead of people having to "white knuckle" through their recovery, their addiction was simply erased. Sure, their memory was there. But, the "sting" that came with those painful events was gone.  

Pam's philosophy is that we are all created as masterpieces.  Little by little, we were "covered up" with the paint of negativity (negative conditioning, self-limiting beliefs.)  Pam is like the paint remover, restoring your original masterpiece back to what you are meant to be. 

To do this she will even tell you what your exact purpose is, your roadmap to get there (key events), and about your Human Design to support your purpose.  If you are familiar with Eric Pearl's Reconnection work, you will also be Reconnected. 

"I was date raped 29 years ago.  Suddenly, literally over night, instead of negatively impacting me I now have compassion for him.  This program is incredible, but I never expected to be free of that.  It is an added bonus!"  



 Real Results...

Besides all the client testimonials, Pam has been scientifically measuring the results her clients have achieved.  First Thought Shifting(TM) clients, who worked issue-by-issue to remove specific negativity.  She watched as her ability to shift negativity in her clients has grown larger, and larger--wiping out more and more negativity at one time.  1%...then 10%....then 30%.... then 45%....then 65% and even more, in one Thought ShiftTM session. 

Then Pam was given the gift of Quantum Thought ShiftingTM for her clients.  Instead of shifting people issue-by-issue, she was suddenly able to completely wipe out all past negative conditioning in record speed.   And without her clients having to actually do anything... or rehash the past.  

Then came the huge results.  Testimonials.  Changed lives.  People consistently report: 

  • Feeling happy for no reason
  • Feeling peaceful
  • Addictions, obsessions, fears, trauma, and negative thoughts are simply erased
  • Getting much, much more in touch with their intuition
  • Suddenly having their thoughts be so much more powerful than they could ever imagine... thoughts are immediately set into motion 
  • Real life results -- business, financial, personal relationships, etc etc      

Besides the testimonials, there are other results.  Remarkable levels no one else on the planet has achieved thus far.  Things like:

  • Unheard of increases in consciousness level (per David Hawkins scale) from the 200's and 300's to the high 900's
  • A dramatic increase in vibrational frequency, opening up new abilities and ever increasing people's potential (literally expanding people!)
  • Astronomical increases in people's alignment with their purpose
  • Increases in people's conscious creation in ways unknown by other science, coaching, healing, or professional development gurus today

 .... all in less than 7 months!   Click here to see actual scientific results.   

Pam is truly breaking new ground in the personal transformation and development arena. 

The History...

Not content to "pull issues from a person's head" to eliminate one at a time, Pam was fond of saying "Someday, someone will invent a way to just go into your head and pull all the limiting ideas out, without having to even know what they are."  She never dreamt it would be her!!   

But it was... In November 2004, Pam was divinely given this new form of energy manipulation and healing.  She tried it on herself and it worked!!  Wow.   Suddenly, old issues went away.  In fact, she even forgot about them entirely... until one day she would just notice the issue was simply gone. 

And there were some things she did she didn't even know were due to negative conditioning (negativity.)   Planning for parties for example...  She realized this one day as on the day of her nanny's birthday party she said. "Oh, I'm having a party today... I wonder what they might like to drink."  Now in the past she would have planned that party for a month.  The holidays came and went... no big planning, no stress.  She even planned her neighborhood progressive dinner (with a 2 & 3 year old in tow)--and no stress.  Wow!! 

Her consciousness level had risen.  Her vibrational frequency had risen.  Her mind chatter was gone.  Her voice even changed!   (And now she can even sing better!) 

Then, she tried the process on 9 clients privately.  It worked, but with some leftovers.  Then she tested an updated version on her kids (ages 2 & 3 at the time), which dramatically raised their frequency even higher.  It worked.   And no leftovers! 

At that time it took about 30 days for the "shift" to be complete.  With some additions in the latest program it was taking about 42 days.  However, now with some increased healing powers, it is taking less time... 2-3 weeks

Compare that to other methods that will literally take more than your lifetime.  There is absolutely nothing at all like this on the planet today!  

Why 7 Months?  

In following her private clients, Pam suddenly realized how important it was to teach people how to use their thoughts.  At that time she was the only person on the planet with regular session clients at around 10% negativity.  That is, people who were just removing their negativity a bit at a time using Thought Shifting(TM).  Suddenly, they began creating things they did not intend by accident.  Pam realized "Oh, I have to teach people how to use their thoughts!" 

So, the 7 month Have Anything(TM) program was born.  Private clients can do it faster... but she doesn't recommend doing it too fast.  Without negativity, you are learning to master your thoughts in a whole new space.  You have never, ever been this powerful in your entire life!!   And most people were simply not raised learning how to master their thoughts.  Even people who think they really know how to manifest are surprised to find what they have yet to learn about it. 

Without learning how to begin mastering your thoughts, it is like giving you a really powerful car that is running fast all the time... but not teaching you how to drive.  You will absolutely have an accident.    

And, it is possible to let some of the negativity back in, if you don't recognize it.  (Not to worry... Pam also teaches you how to eliminate it yourself should this happen.)  

Pam's goal is to empower you to be able to create what you choose , to be fully aligned with your life purpose, and to live a life of freedom, happiness, peace, joy & purpose. 

Be a part of this revolution. 
Click here for additional information.  


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